Page:Outlines of Hindu Metaphysics.djvu/146

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in a man, when they find in him what are missing in them they bow unto him and regard him as God incarnate, as an Avatâr of the Omnipotent Deity. If mankind see amongst them one of super-human intellect and moral sense, they cannot but admire him; especially when they are laden with the weight of worldliness and sins, they cannot but admire him and venerate him. When such a person loves them, not in the way as they love others, when he helps them without any desire for a return, when he lends them a sympathetic and helping hand in their difficulty and misfortune without any selfish motive whatsoever, they cannot but love him reverentially and have an implicit faith in him. These shining lights enlighten people, who improve spiritually and morally when they are in their company. Thus people cherish a personal love and reverence for this superhuman being or Avatâr. They are so much drawn and attracted by this grand and extra-