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The Wandring Shepherdeſs.
YOung lovers who know what to true love belong
I’ll tell you a ſtory that latly was done,
At Oxſcord a merchant's fair daughter did dwell,
For wit and for beauty all others did excell.
A noble young ſquire that lived hard by,
Upon this young creauture he ſoon caſt an eye,
And then for to court her he thus did begin
Thou faireſt of creatures that ever was feen,
O do not be cruel but yeild unto me,
For without your love there’s no comfort for me,
If you‘ll not conſent to be my ſweet bride,
I’m ruin’d for ever, dear jewel he cry’d,
The lady with innocent ſmiles did reply,
'Tis pity ſuch a good like creature ſhould die,
When it’s in my power they life for to ſave,
So freely I grant you the thing that you crave.
With eager embraces he flew to her arms,
Saying lovely creature they beautiful charms,
Commands mighty monarchs to ly at your feet,
But I've gain’d the prize and my joys are complete.