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The lovely ſhepherdeſs turning her eyes
She quickly knew him to her great ſurpriſe.
But ſtill who ſhe was little does know,
At length to her cottage ſhe home did repair
He followed her home ſaying my lovely fair,
O pity a lover that’s now in diſpair,
For by the glance of your lovely eyes
My lovd ſick heart is fill’d with ſurpriſe,
Sir you ſeem a perſon of noble degree,
And I’m a poor ſhepherdeſs as you may ſee,
Talk not dear creature they charms are ſo ſweet
Which cauſes me thus to bow at your feet,
The ſhepherd invited her to come in
And then all her ſorrows after did begin,
Her graland of flowers belog off from her head
He knew’t was his lover whom he thought was dead
His love ſick paſſion on it then did abete,
But ſtill unto her no notice did take
Said he to his ſelf ſinee I find it is thee
I’m fully reſolved thy butcher to be,
They parted that night next morning to meet
In the pleaſent valley where ſhe keeped her ſheep
But the next morning juſt as the ſun roſe,
This perjured wretch to the ſhepherdneſs goes,
No foul being near he to her did ſay
Come madam ſling off your grand array
Since I’m come ſo far a harlot to ſee,
I am now reſolved your butcher to be.