Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/28

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BYTUENE Mershe ant Averil
When spray biginneth to spring,
The lutel foul hath hire wyl
On hyre lud[1] to synge:
Ich libbe[2] in love-longinge
For semlokest[3] of alle thynge,
He[4] may me blisse bringe,
Icham in hire bandoun.[5]
An hendy[6] hap ichabbe y-hent,[7]
Ichot[8] from hevene it is me sent,
From alle wymmen my love is
Ant lyht[9] on Alisoun.

On heu hire her[10] is fayr ynoh,
Hire browe broune, hire eye blake;
With lossum[11] chere he on me loh;[12]
With middel smal ant wel y-make;
Bote he[13] me wolle to hire take
For to buen[14] hire owen make,[15]
Long to lyven ichulle forsake
Ant feye[16] fallen adoun.
An hendy hap, etc.

Nihtes[17] when I wende[18] and wake,
For-thi[19] myn wonges waxeth won;[20]

  1. on hyre lud] in her language.
  2. ich libbe] I live.
  3. semlokest] seemliest.
  4. he] she.
  5. bandoun] thraldom.
  6. hendy] gracious.
  7. y-hent] seized, enjoyed.
  8. ichot] I wot
  9. lyht] alighted.
  10. hire her] her hair.
  11. lossum] lovesome.
  12. loh] laughed.
  13. bote he] unless she.
  14. buen] be.
  15. make] mate.
  16. feye] like to die.
  17. nihtes] at night.
  18. wende] turn.
  19. for-thi] on that account.
  20. wonges waxeth won] cheeks grow wan.