907 A Charge
[" F thou hast squandered years to grave a gem Commission'd by thy absent Lord, and while
'Tis incomplete,
Others would bribe thy needy skill to them Dismiss them to the street'
��Should'st thou at last discover Beauty's grove, At last be panting on the fragrant verge, But in the track,
Drunk with divine possession, thou meet Love Turn at her bidding back.
When round thy ship in tempest Hell appears, And every spectre mutters up more dire To snatch control
And loose to madnesb thy deep-kcnnclPd Fears Then to the helm, O Soul'
Last, if upon the cold green-mantling sea
Thou cling, alone with Truth, to the last spar, Both castaway,
And one must peribh let it not be he Whom thou art sworn to obey'
po<? Song
SHE 's somewhere in the sunlight strong, Her tears are in the falling rain, She calls me in the wind's soft song,
And with the flowers she comes again.
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