Morris, William, 806–809.
Munday, Anthony, 97.
Nairne, Carolina, Lady, 526.
Nashe, Thomas, 176, 177.
Newbolt, Sir Henry, 890, 891.
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, 699.
Noyes, Alfred, 946.
Oldham, John, 431.
Oldys, William, 449.
O’Reilly, John Boyle, 838.
O'Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar, 832–833.
Osbert, Thomas, of Mordaunt, 476.
Otway, Thomas, 430.
Owen, Wilfrid, 963.
Pagan, Isobel, 487.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 947, 948.
Parker, Sir Gilbert, 888.
Parnell, Thomas, 447.
Patmore, Coventry, 769–773.
Peacock, Thomas Love, 602, 603.
Peele, George, 111–113.
Philips, Katherine ('Orinda') 409.
Phillimore, John Swinnerton, 929.
Phillips, Stephen, 897.
Phillpotts, Eden, 892.
Philpot, William, 766.
Poe, Edgar Allen, 701–703.
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 670.
Prior, Matthew, 432–439.
Probyn, May, 887.
Procter, Bryan Waller, 604.
Quarles, Francis, 284, 285.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 84–87, 132.
Ramsay, Allan, 448.
Randolph, Thomas, 307, 308.
Rands, William, Brighty, 765.
Reynolds, John, 187.
Rhys, Ernest, 874.
Rochester, Earl of, 424–427.
Rogers, Samuel, 586.
Rolleston, Thomas William, 866.
Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 789–796.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 779–782.
Rowlands, Richard, 175.
Ruskin, John, 753.
Russell, George William (Æ), 910–912.
Sackville, Charles, Earl of Dorset 419, 420.
Sassoon, Siegried, 958, 959.
Scott, Alexander, 51, 52.
Scott, John, of Amwell, 477.
Scott, Sir Walter, 556–561.
Scott, William Bell, 741.
Sedley, Sir Charles, 421, 422.
Shakespeare, William, 64 (?), 133–174.
Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckinghamshire 428, 429.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 612–625.
Shenstone, William, 464.
Shirley, James, 295, 296.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 98–105.
Sigerson, Dora, 864.
Skelton, John, 37–39.
Smart, Christopher, 479.
Smith, Walter Chalmers, 778.
Smollet, Tobias George, 478.