Your soulis with his blood to buy And loose you of the fiendis arrest And only of his own mercy; Pro nobis Puer natus est.
All clergy do to him inclyne,
And bow unto that bairn benyng,
And do your observance divyne To him that is of kingis King: Encensc his altar, read and sing
In holy kirk, with mind degest, Him honouring attour all thing Qui no bis Puer natus est.
Celestial foulis in the air,
Sing with your nottis upon hicht, In firthis and in forrestis fair
Be myrthful now at all your mycht;
For passit is your dully nicht, Aurora has the cloudis perst,
The Son is risen with glaidsum licht, Et nobts Puer natus est.
Now spring up flouris fra the rute,
Revert you upward naturaly, In honour of the blissit frute
That raiss up fro the rose Mary;
Lay out your levis lustily, Fro deid take life now at the lest
In wirschip of that Prince worthy Qui no bis Puer natus est.
benyng] benign. attour] over, above. perst] pierced, raiss] rose.
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