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ANONYMOUS 2 5 May in the Green-Wood

D J 1 5th Cent.

IN somer when the shawes be sheyne, And levcs be large and long, Hit is full merry in feyre foreste To here the foulys song.

To se the dere draw to the dale

And leve the hilles hce, And shadow him in the leves grene

Under the green-wode tree.

Hit befell on Whitsontide

Early in a May morning, The Sonne up faire can shyne,

And the briddis mery can syng.

This is a mery mornyng,' said Litulle Johne,

'Be Hym that d}ed on tre, A more mery man than I am one

L>ves not in Christiante.

Tluk up thi hcrt, my dcre maystcr,'

Litulle Johne can say, 'And thynk hit is a fulle fayre tyme

In a mornynge of May.'

26 Carol , _

I5th Cent

I SING of a maiden That is makeles; King of all kings

To her son she ches.

25 sheyne] bright. 26 makeles] matchless. che:.] chose. 34-

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