Sccundus Pastor
Haylle, sufFeran savyoure! for thou has us soght; Haylle, frely foyde and floure that all thyng has wroghi' Haylle, full of favoure that made all of noght! Haylle' I kneyll and I cowre. A byrd haue I broght
To my barne. Haylle, lytylle tyne mop! Of oure crede thou art crop; I wold drynk on thy cop,
Lytyll day starne.
Tertius Pastor
Haylle, derlyng dere, full of godhede! I pray the be ncre when that I have nede. Haylle 1 swete is thy chere 1 my hert wold blede To se the sytt here in bo poore wede,
With no pennys. Haylle 1 put furth thy dalle! I bryng the bot a balle: Have and play the with-alle, And go to the tenys.
28 The Knight of the Grail
Early i6th Cent
ELLY, lulley; lully, lullcy, The fawcon hath born my mak away.
He bare hym vp, he bare hym down; He bare hym into an orchard brown.
In that orchard ther was an hall, That was hangid with purpill and pall.
27 frely foyde] goodly child, mop] baby, dalle] little hand.
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