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Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/86

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Ye shape some wile me to beguile,

And steal from me, I ween Then were the case worse than it was,

And I more wo-begone: For, in my mind, of all mankind

I love but you alone.

He. Ye shall not nede further to drede:

I will not disparage You (God defend), sith you descend

Of so great^a linage. Now understand, to Westmoreland,

Which is my heritage, I will you bring, and with a ring,

By way of marnngc I will you take, and lady make,

As shortly as I can Thus have you won an Earles son,

And not a banished man.

Here may ye see that women be

In love meek y ktn<i, and stable, Let never man tefrove them tha?i.

Or call them variable , But rather 'pray God that we may

To them be comfortable, Which sometime froveth such as He loveth.

If they be charitable. For sith men would that women should

Be meek to them each one. Much more ought they to God obey.

And serve but Him alone.

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