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Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/90

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But do not, do not, pretty mine, Tc fainings falbe thy heart incline! Be loyal to thy lover true, And never change her for a new: If good or fair, of her have care For women's ban n ing's wondrous sare Balow, la-low!

Bairn, by thy face I will beware; Like Sirens' words, I'll come not near, My babe and I together will live; He'll comfort me when cares do grieve. My babe and I right soft will lie, And ne'er respect man's cruelty Balow, la-low'

Farewell, farewell, the falsest youth That ever kibt a woman's mouth! I wish all maids be warn'd by me Never to trust man's curtesy, For if we do but chance to bow, They'll use us then they care not how Balow, la-low'


��6 The Old Cloak

i6th Cent (?)

VHIS winter's weather it waxeth cold, And frost it freezeth on every hill, And Boreas blows his blast so bold

That all our cattle are like to spill. Bell, my wife, she loves no strife;

She said unto me quietly, Rise up, and save cow Crumbock's life! Man, put thine old cloak about thce' 5*

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