We have brought them up to women and men: In the fear of God I trow they be.
And why wilt thou thyself misken ? Man, take thine old cloak about thce'
He. O Bell my wife, why dost thou flytc ?
Now is now, and then was then Seek now all the world throughout,
Thou kens not clowns from gentlemen. They are clad in black, green, yellow and blue,
So far above their own degree. Once in my life I'll take a view;
For I'll have a new cloak about me.
She. King Stephen was a worthy peer;
His breeches cost him but a crown; He held them sixpence all too dear,
Therefore he called the tailor *Jown'. He was a king and wore the crown,
And thou'se but of a low degree It's pride that puts this country down:
He. Bell my wife, she loves not strife,
Yet she will lead me, if she can; And to maintain an easy life
I oft mu&t yield, though Pm goodman. It's not for a man with a woman to threap,
Unless he first give o'er the plea. As we began, so will we keep,
And I'll take my old cloak about me.
threap] argue.
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