Curtis, Henry Eustace, born in London 30 April,
1863 ; 4s. Charles William, gent. Exeter, matric. 18 Oct. , 82, aged 19, from Wellington coll.
Curtis, Lionel George, born at Derby 7 March, 1872 ; 3s. George James, rector of Coddington, co. Here- ford. New Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 91, aged 19, from Haileybury.
Curtis, Walter Tennent, born at Islington 27 March, 1870:3s. Charles Adrian, gen. University Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Highgate school), scholar 89 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 91.
Curtis, sir William Michael, born at Knowle Park, co. Glouc, 10 Nov. , 1859 ; o.s. sir William Edmund, bart. Christ Church, matric. 16 Jan., 80, aged . 20 ; of Caynham Court, Ludlow, Salop, j. p. , captain 4th batt. (militia) Gloucestershire regt. 82-4. See Foster's Baronetage.
Curtler, William Henry, m.a., fellow Trinity 50-2, where see.
Curtler, William Henry Ricketts, born at Claines, co. Worcester, 28 Jan., 1862; o.s. Martin, gent. Trinity, matric. 29 Jan. , 81, aged 18, from Marl- borough coll.
CurtoiS, Algernon, born at Branston, co. Lincoln, 5 Oct., 1865 ; 4s. Atwell, cler. Worcester, matric. 17 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from Marlborough coll.), scholar 84, B.A. 88, M.A. 91; Honours:— 2 classical mods. 86, 2 history 88.
CurtoiS, Rowland Sidney George Widdrington, born at Maidenhead, Berks, 19 Oct., 1868 ; o.s. Rowland Latimer Sidney, arm. Turrell's Hall, matric. 15 May 86, aged 17 (from St. Kenelm's school, Cowley) ; migrated to Worcester, B.A. 91.
Curwen, Alan Delancy, born at Workington, Cum- berland, 21 July, 1869 ; 2s. Henry Fraser, arm. Corpus Christi, matric. 1 Feb., 89, aged 19.
Curwen, Edward Darcy, born in London 26 Aug.,
1864 ; is. Henry Fraser, arm. Brasenose, matric. 25 May, 83, aged 18 (from the Charterhouse), B.A. 90.
Curzon, hon. Francis Nathaniel, born 15 Dec. , 1865 ; 3s. Alfred Nathaniel Holden, baron Scarsdale.
Balliol, matric. 22 Jan., 85, aged 19 (from Eton),
B.A. 88 ; Honours :— 2 classical mods. 86,
3 classics 88.
Curzon, hon. George Nathaniel, M.A., fellow ALL Souls' 83-90 and 92, where see.
Cust, Arthur Perceval Purey, D.D., dean of York, fellow All Souls' 50-4, where see.
Cust, Robert Henry Hobart, born at Hythe, Hants, 13 May, 1861 ; 2s. Robert Needham, bar.-at-law. Magdalen, matric. 27 April, 81, aged 19 (from Trinity coll., Cambridge, matric. 11 Nov., 79), B.A. 83, M.A. 86.
Custanoe, Arthur Frederick Musgrave, born at Hereford 28 Jan., 1866; is. George Musgrave, cler. Brasenose, matric. 14 Oct., 84, aged 18 (from Lancing coll.), exhibitioner 84 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 86.
Cutcliffe, (rev.) George, born at Dartmouth, Devon, 1870 ; is. George John, gen. Non-Col- LEGiATE, matric. 17 Oct., 91, aged 21, from Teignmouth gr. school.
CuthDert, Robert Howard, born at Oswestry, Salop, 1861 ; 3s. George, cler. Non-Collegiate, matric. 8 Nov. , 80, aged 19 (from Oswestry gr. school) ; migrated to Hertford, B.A. 86.
CuthbertSOn, Clive, born at Shanghai, China, 1864 ; 6s. William Gilmour, arm. University Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 18 (from Glenalmond), B.A. 85 (Honours: — 3 history 85); assist, magis- trate and collector Bengal 84.
Cuthbertson, John Oswald, born at Shipley, Yorks, nApril, 1870; is. John Montagu, surgeon. Exeter, matric. 17 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Westminster school), B.A. 92.
CuttS, John Franklin Alexander, born at Hammersmith 6 Jan., 1869; 6s. Edward, cler. Worcester, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 20, from King's coll., London.
Cyprus, the archbishop of ; created D. D. 27 June, 1889.
Czarnikow, Horace, born at Clapham, Surrey, ,
1865 ; is. Caesar, arm. Brasenose, matric. 22 April, 84, aged 19, from Harrow.