Daman, rev. Henry, m.a. , fellow Magdalen 68-79,
where see.
Daman, John Frederick Karl. See Danimann.
Dames, Edward Travers Longworth, born at Dublin 23 May, 1861 ; is. Francis Travers Longworth, Q.c. Ireland. New Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 80, aged 19 (from the Charterhouse), B.A. 85 ; [Honours: — 2 classical mods. 81 (as D.L. ), 2 law 84 (as L.D. )] ; a student of Middle Temple 82 as E. T. Dames Longworth.
Dammann, John Frederick Karl, born at Edgbaston, co. Warwick, 16 Feb. , 1865 ; is. Karl Christopher Ludwig, prof, of German in Mason coll. , Birming- ham. Lincoln, matric. 17 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from K. Edward's school, Birmingham), B.A. 88, M.A. 92, as Daman ; Honours : — 4 history 88.
d'Angrogno-Pallavicino, Charles Alfred Alex- ander Manfred, marquis, born 1865 ; 2s. Alexander Manfred, marquis d'A-P. Christ Church, matric. 6 Nov., 83, aged 18.
Daniel, Charles Henry Olive, m.a. , fellow Wor- cester 63, where see.
Daniel, George William Trollope, born at Hulton, Essex, 8 Nov. , 1865 ; is. William Mayow, cler. Pembroke, matric. 27 Oct., 84, aged 18, scholar 84, B.A. 88, M.A. 91 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 86, 3 classics 88.
Daniel, Wilson Eustace, M.A., Grinfield lecturer 91-3, where see, p. 7.
Daniell, Edwyn Francis Staines, born at Devonport 1871 ; is. Frederick Francis, arm. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 24 Jan., 90, aged 19, from New Cross school.
Daniell, rev. Henry James, born at Aldingbourne, Sussex, 1866 ; 8s. George Frederick, cler.
Non-Collegiate, matric. 16 Oct., 86, aged 20 (from Kingsley coll., Westward Ho!), B.A. 89; curate of Rye, Sussex, 90.
Daniell, Reginald Allen, born at Lymington, Hants, 12 March, 1873 ; is. Henry, banker. University Coll., matric. 17 Oct., 91, aged 18, from Win- chester.
Daniels, Ernest Limbert, born at Walthamstow, Essex, 1864 ; 2s. James John, cler. Hert-
ford, matric. 7 May, 89, aged 25 (from Magdalen coll. school), exhibitioner 90.
Daniels, rev. Frank Whitworth James, born in London 1862 ; is. James John, cler. Non-
Collegiate, matric. 15 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from Magdalen coll. and Worcester cathedral schools) ; migrated to Hertford, B.A. 85, M.A. 88 ; con- duct of Eton coll. 90.
Daniels, Henry Oswald, born at Whalley Range, co. Lane, 8 April, 1871 ; 9s. Thomas, cler. Trinity, matric. 11 Oct., 90, aged 19, from Man- chester gr. school.
Daniels, Sidney Reginald, born at Rodborough, co. Glouc, 18 Sept., 1873; is. Joseph, engineer. Balliol, matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 18 (from Wycliffe coll., Stonhouse) (Honours :— Boden Sanskrit scholarship 93) ; selected candidate Indian C.s. 91.
Danks, Eric, born at Cheltenham 30 Sept., 1870 ; o.s. William, cler. Queen's, matric. 22 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Ripon gr. school), exhibitioner 89 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 91.
Darbishire, Bernhard Vernon, born at Dygyfylchi, co. Carnarvon, 8 Aug., 1865; is. Vernon, arm. Non-Collegiate, matric. 23 May, 85, aged 19 (from Dresden gymnasium) ; exhibitioner Trinity 85, B.A. 89, M.A. 92 (Honours:— 3 history 89) ; cartographer to Royal geographical soc. 93.
Darbishire, Francis Vernon, born at Glan-y-coed, co. Carnarvon, 1868 ; is. Vernon, arm. BAL-
LIOL, matric. 19 Oct., 87, aged 19, B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 4 chemistry 91.
Darbishire, Otto Vernon, born at Dygyfylchi, co.
Carnarvon, 1870 ; 4s. Vernon, arm. Balliol,
matric. 18 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Dresden gymna- sium and University coll. Bangor), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 2 botany 92.
Darley, Henry Sylvester, born at Sydney, Australia, 1864; is. Frederick Matthew, Q.C, M. L.C.
Exeter, matric. 23 April, 84, aged 20, from
Shrewsbury school. Darlington, John, born in London 5 Dec, 1869;
o.s. John, gen. Lincoln, matric. 17 Oct., 89, aged
20 (from University coll. school, London), B.A. 92.
Dauglish, Maurice John, born in London 2 Oct. > 1867 ; 6s. Henry William, gen. Magdalen, matric. 21 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Harrow), B.A. 89 (Honours : — 3 classical mods. 88), in the Uni- versity eleven 89, 90,
D'Aumale, h.r.h. the duke, created D.C.L. 17 June, 91.
Daunt, rev. Achilles, born at Cork 20 Jan. , 1867 ; o.s. Achilles, D.D. Merton, matric. 24 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Marlborough), B.A. 8? (Honours: — 4 history 88) ; curate of St. John the Evangelist, Mel- combe Regis, Dorset, 90.
Davenport, rev. Alexander Edward Fynes Clinton, born in Jersey 1862 ; 5s. Charles Edgcombe,
arm. Non-Collegiate, matric. 15 Oct., 81, aged 19, B.A. 86, M.A. 89 ; curate of Porlock and Stoke Pero, Somerset, 91.
Davenport, rev. Francis, born at Skeffington, co. Leicester, 1861 ; 3s. John Charles, rector,
deceased. Non-Collegiate, matric. 14 April, 83, aged 22, B.A. 88, M.A. 90; rector of Maidwell, Northants, 91.
Davenport, John Davies, M.A., fellow Brasenose 64-76, where see.
Davenport, Ralph Tichborne, born in London Jan., 1873 ; is. George Horatio, cler. Christ Church, matric. 9 April, 92, aged 19, from Eton.
Davenport, Thomas Marriott, M.A. , Pembroke, where see.
Davenport, William Bromley, born in London 1862 ; is. William, m.p. Non-Collegiate, matric. 20 Nov., 80, aged 18 (from Eton); migrated to Balliol; of Capesthorne, Cheshire, J. P., M.P. Cheshire (Macclesfield division) 86.
Davey, Charles Robert, born in Jersey 1849 ; 2s. James, gen. Charsley's Hall, matric. 24 April, 90, aged 41.
Davey, Ernest William Woods, born at Leyton, Essex, 1871 ; o.s. William Thomas, D.Med., m.r.c.s. Lincoln, matric. 23 Oct., 91, aged 20, from Forest school.
Davey, sir Horace, Q.c, M.A., hon. fellow University Coll. , 84, where see, p. 31.
Davey, Horace Scott, born in London 25 April, 1865 ; is. sir Horace. Oriel, matric. 27 Oct. , 83, aged 18 (from Rugby) ; lieut. 18th Hussars 89.
David, Albert Augustus, born at Exeter 19 May, 1867 ; 2s. William, cler. Queen's, matric. 30 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Exeter gr. school), scholar 85, B.A. 89 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 87, 1 classics 89.
David, rev. Arthur Evan, born at St. Fagans, Cardiff, co. Glam. , 1 July, 1861 ; 3s. William, rector 57. New Coll., matric. 17 Jan., 80, aged 18 (from Magdalen coll. school), B.A. 83, M.A. 87 (Honours : — 3 classical mods. 81, 3 classics 83), examining chaplain to bishop of Brisbane 91.
David, William, m.a., fellow Jesus Coll. 45-48, where see.
David, Harold Llewelyn, born at Laugharne, co. Carmarthen, 4 April, 1873 ; 5s. Samuel Sinclair, gent. Queen's, matric. 27 Oct., 92, aged 19 (from Llandovery coll.), scholar 92.