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Faber, Arthur Henry, m.a., fellow New Coll. 49-65, where see.

Faber, Arthur Traviss, born at Stockton-on-Tees 6 June, 1873 ; 6s. Henry Grey, solicitor. New Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 92, aged 19, from Shrews- bury school.

Fagan, James Bernard, born at Belfast, co. Antrim, 18 May, 1873; is. John, f.r.c.s. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct. , 92, aged 19, from Clongowes Wood coll. , co. Kildare.

Fair, John St. Foyne, born in London 10 Aug. , 1868 ; 2s. John arm. Magdalen, matric. 22 Oct., 87, aged 19 (from Harrow), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 law 91.

Fairbairn, Andrew Martin, D.D. Edinburgh 1878; created M.A. 17 May, 87 ; minister of the indepen- dent church, Bathgate, West Lothian, 60, and Aberdeen 72, principal of Airdale coll. 84, and of Mansfield coll., Oxford, 86, D.D. Yale 89, Muir lecturer in philosophy and history of religion, Edin- burgh university, 78-83, chairman of congregational union of England and Wales 83 ; born 4 Nov., 38 ; father of Andrew and John.

Fairbairn, Andrew Martin, born at Bathgate, Scot- land, Oct. , 1870 ; 2s. Andrew Martin, D. D. , princi- pal of Mansfield coll. Wadham, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 18 (from Oxford high school), B.A. 92.

Fairbairn, John Shields, born at Bathgate, Scotland, 21 Dec, 1868 ; is. Andrew Martin, d.d. principal of Mansfield coll. Magdalen, matric. 22 Oct. , 87, aged 18 (from Bradford gr. school), demy 87, B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 1 physiology 91.

Fairbrother, William Henry, born at Pendleton, co. Lane, Dec, 1859; is. Henry, gent. Keble, matric. 18 Oct., 81, aged 21 (from Owens coll., Manchester), B.A. 85, M.A. 88 (Honours :— 2 classical mods. 82, 1 classics 85), philosophy lecturer

Lincoln coll.

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Fairclough, William Robert, born at Moulmein, Burmah, 3 Feb., 1872; elder son of rev. John, of St. Augustine's mission, Burmah. Hertford, matric. 30 Jan., 91, aged 18 (from Forest school), exhibitioner 90 ; Honours :— 3 classical mods. 92.

Fairfax, Geoffrey Evan, born at Sydney, Australia,

1862 ; 2s. James Reading, gent. Balliol,

matric. 1 May, 82, aged 20 (from Sydney gr. school),

B.A. 85 (Honours:— 2 law 85); bar.-at-law, Inner

Temple, 86.

Fairfax, Harold Walter, born at Sydney, Australia, 1869 ; 4s. James Reading, gent. Balliol, matric 17 Oct., 89, aged 20 (from Sydney gr. school), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 law 92.

Fairfax, James Oswald, born at Sydney, Australia,

1863; 3s. James Reading, gent. Balliol,

matric. 1 May, 82, aged 19 (from Sydney gr.

school), B.A. 85 (Honours 1—3 classical mods. 83,

3 classics 85) ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 86.

Fairfax, John Mackenzie, born at Sydney, n.s. Wales, 16 Aug., 1870; o.s. Edward, gent. Wadham, matric. 9 Feb. , 92, aged 21.

Fairgrieve, James, born at Ardrossan, Ayrshire, 14 March, 1870 ; is. George, united presbyterian church minister. Jesus Coll., matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 21 (from University coll., Aberystwith), exhibitioner 91.

Fairhurst, John William, born at Liverpool

1871 ; is. John, cler. Oriel, matric. 20 Oct., 88, aged 17 (from Denstone coll. ) ; Honours :— 2 classical mods. 90, 2 classics 92.

Fairlie, rev. Hugh Macefield, born at Carlisle,

l8 65 ; 3s. John Macefield, gent. Pembroke, matric. 27 Oct., 85, aged 20, B.A. 88, M.A. 92 (Honours 1—3 theology 88) ; curate of Christ church, Waterloo, 90.

Falcon, Charles Henry, born at Workington, Cumber- land, Sept., 1870; 4s. Michael, solicitor. Brase- nose, matric. 16 Oct., 88, aged 18, from Repton school.

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