203 Faussett.
Faussett, Edward Philip Godfrey Godfrey-, born at
Cheltenham 1863; o.s. Godfrey, cler. St.
John's, matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 22, B.A. 89, M.A. 92 (Honours: — 4law89); bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 90. Faussett, John Toke Godfrey, M.A., student Christ
Church 53-70, where see. Faussett, Robert Godfrey, m.a., student Christ
Church 45, where see. Fawcett, rev. Francis L'Estrange, born at Street, co. Longford, 29 Oct., 1859; y.s. Edward, cler. St. Mary Hall, matric. 28 Jan., 80, aged 20, B.A. 84, M.A. 90 ; vicar of Luton St. Matthew 90. Fawcett, right hon. Henry, created D.C.L. 9 June,
1880. See A I. Ox. 2nd series, 451. Fawcett, Henry Hargreave, born in Dublin 1861 ; is. Henry, arm. Worcester, matric. 21 Oct., 80, aged 19, from Dulwich coll. FawcUS, Louis Edward, born at Seaton Carew, co. Durham, 1864 ; 10s. Robert, gent. WOR-
CESTER, matric. 19 Oct., 82, aged 18 (from King's coll. school, London), B.A. 85; HONOURS 1—3 classical mods. 84. Fawssett,rev. Humphrey Sandwith, born at Baumber, co. Lincoln, 1862 ; 3s. John, cler. Exeter,
matric. 22 Oct., 80, aged 18 (from Newark school), B.A. 83 (Honours : — 4 history 83) ; vicar of Great Sturton with Baumber, co. Line. , 91. Fearenside, Charles Scott, born at Harrow Weald, Middx., 27 Feb., 1865 ; 2s. Charles Hebden, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 18 Oct., 83, aged 18 (from Oswestry gr. school), scholar 83, B.A. 87, M.A. 90; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 85, 1 classics 87, 2 history 88. Fearis, William Henry, born at Dewsbury, Yorks, 1869 ; o.s. William, gen. St. John's, matric.
17 Oct., 91, aged 22.
Fearnside, Edward Lincoln, born at Leeds 1 May,
1865 ; is. Edwin, gent. Queen's, matric. 22 Oct.,
83, aged 18 (from Leeds gr. school), exhibitioner 83,
B.A. 87, M.A. 92; Honours:— 2 classical mods.
85, 3 classics 87. FearnsideS, John William, born at Bradford, Yorks,
27 May, 1867 ; o.s. John, gent. Merton, matric.
27 March, 86, aged 18 (from Mill Hill school), B.A.
89, M.A. and B.C.L. 92 (Honours: — 2 law 89,
2 civil law 90) ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 91. Fearon, Robert Burton, born in London 1872 ;
2s. Francis, solicitor. Keble, matric. 9 Feb., 92,
aged 20. Fearon, William Andrewes, d.d., fellow New Coll.
64-80, where see. Feddea, rev. Lorenzo Player, born in London 6 March,
i860 ; 2s. Olcher, arm. Merton, matric. 27 April,
81, aged ai, B.A. 85, M.A. 87 ; curate of Stamford
Hill St. Thomas, London, 90. Feild, Edward Andrew, born at St. Petersburg, Russia, ' 1861 ; 2s. Edward Forbes, gen. Keble,
matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 30, from Uppingham
school. Feilden, Geoffrey Nelson, born at Witton, co. Lane,
26 Nov. , 1865 ; 2s. Robert, arm. Keble, matric.
22 Oct., 85, aged 19, from Newton Abbot coll.,
Devon. Feilden, Randle Francis Campbell, born at Edin- burgh 15 Jan., 1862 ; is. Randle Joseph, arm.
Christ Church, matric. 15 Oct., 80, aged 18. Feilding, Percy Henry, born in London 23 Dec,
1867 ; 2s. lieut.-gen. the hon. Percy Robert.
Balliol, matric. 19 Jan., 88, aged 21 (from
Wellington), B.A. 92; Honours :— 3 law 91. Fell, Bryan Hugh, born at Ulverston 23 Nov., 1869;
5s. John, gen. Queen's, matric. 20 Oct., 88, aged
18 (from Sedbergh school), exhibitioner 88 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 90, 3 classics 92.
Fell, Edwin Frederick Berry, born at Withyham,
Sussex, Sept., 1866 ; 2s. Edwin, arm. Christ
Church, matric. 30 May, 85, aged 18 (from Eton),
B.A. 89.
Fell, George Hunter, d.d., fellow Magdalen 53-61, where see.
Fell, Godfrey Butler Hunter, born at Worldham, Hants., 22 April, 1872; 2s. George Hunter, d.d. Mag- dalen, matric. 22 Oct., 91, aged 19, from Eton.
Fellgate, Herbert Harry, born at Erith, Kent, 26 Sept., i860 ; 2s. William David, gent. Non- Collegiate, matric. 15 Oct., 81, aged 21; migrated to Merton, B.A. 86, M.A. 88 ; Honours: — 3 mathematical mods. 83 ; 4 mathematics 85.
Fellowes, Edmund Horace, born in London Nov., 1870 ; 2s. Horace Decimus, gen. Oriel, matric. 25 Oct., 89, aged 18 (from Winchester), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 4 theology 92.
Fellowes, Evelyn Napier, born at Beighton, Norfolk, 3 June, 1862 ; 8s. Thomas Lyon, cler. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from Rugby), B.A. 84 ; Honours :— 3 law 84.
Fellowes, Frederick, born in London 24 Aug. , 1863 ; is. Horace Decimus, arm. Oriel, matric. 30 Jan., 82, aged 18 (from Winchester), B.A. 85.
Fellowes, Walter, m.a., student Christ Church 52-6, where see.
Felton, Ernest Edward, born at Milton, Kent, 8 April, 1864; 2s. William Valentine, gent. Christ Church, matric. 25 May, 83, aged 19, from Eton.
Felton, Ernest Frederick, born in London 1862 ; 2s. William John, gent. Hertford, matric. 19 Oct. , 81, aged 19.
Felton, rev. William Athill, born in Nottingham July, 1867 ; is. William, cler. Christ Church, matric. 30 May, 85, aged 17 (from Nottingham high school), B.A. 89 ; curate of Thorpe Bassett, Yorks, 90.
Felton, William Frederic, born at Milton-juxta- Gravesend 1862 ; is. William Valentine,
gent. Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 81, aged 19, from Eton.
Fennell, Charles Henry, born at New Wandsworth, Surrey, 12 Dec, 1871 ; o.s. Charles John, fleet surgeon, deceased. Magdalen, matric. 24 Oct., 90, aged 18 (from St. Paul's school), demy 90.
Fenton, Albert Edward, born at Grappenhall, Cheshire, 1852 ; is. James, arm. Non-Collegiate, matric. 13 Oct. , 83, aged 31.
Fenton, Cornelius O'Connor, born at Birkenhead 30 Nov., 1866; 5s. Charles, vicar of St. Peter's, Bkhd. Queen's, matric. 27 Jan. , 87, aged 20.
Fenton, Henry Banning, born at Weston, co. Glouces- ter, 1865 ; 3s. James, arm. Hertford, matric. 14 Oct. , 84, aged 19.
Fenton, Samuel Llewellyn O'Connor, born at Birken- head 11 Jan., 1863; 3s. Charles, cler. Queen's, matric. 22 Oct., 83, aged 20 (from Trinity coll. Dublin, matric. Jan., 83), B.A. 86, M.A. 91 ; brother of Cornelius.
Fen wick, Bertram Emilius, born in London
1866 ; 2s. Henry, arm. Brasenose, matric. 21 Jan., 84, aged 18, from Eton.
Fenwick, rev. Cecil Owen Meynell, born at Need- wood, co. Staff., 24 July, 1863 ; y.s. John Edward Addison, of Cheltenham, cler. Brasenose, matric. 2 June, 82, aged 18 (from Cheltenham coll.), B.A. 85, M.A. 89; curate of Buckland Newton, Dorset, 86-7.
Ferard, Henry Cecil, born at Winkfield, Berks, 25 July, 1864 ; 3s. Charles Cotton, bar.-at-law. Uni- versity Coll. , matric 13 Oct. , 83, aged 19 (from Eton), assist, commissioner Oudh.