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Foster, Charles Bertram, born in London 14 July, 1868 ; is. Richard Betton, solicitor. Magdalen, matric. 22 Oct. , 87, aged 19 (from the Charterhouse), B.A. 92 ; brother of Gerald Harman.

Foster, Charles Cecil, born in Westminster 10 Dec. ■ 1870 ; o.s. Charles Philip, solicitor. Merton, matric. 12 Feb., 92, aged 21, from University coll. school, London.

Foster, rev. Charles Wilmer, born at Dalton, Yorks, 3 June, 1866; is. Charles William, vicar. St. John's, matric. 16 Oct., 84, aged 18 (from Sheffield colle- giate school), B.A. 87, M.A. 91 ; curate of St. Andrew, Great Grimsby, 91.

Foster, Ernest, born at North Curry, Somerset, 22 April, 1867 ; 4s. Charles Millett, solicitor. New Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from King's coll. Taunton), B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 88, 2 classics 90.

Foster, Francis Edward, born at Leintwardine, co. Hereford, 1865 ; 2s. Joseph, cler. Non-

Collegiate, matric. 17 Oct., 85, aged 20, from Chipping Campden gr. school.

Foster, Gerald Harman, born at Eastbourne, Sussex, 26 Sept., 1872; 2s. Richard Betton Charles Pulsford Manley, solicitor. Magdalen, matric. 22 Oct.,

91, aged 19, from Haileybury.

Foster, Henry Knollys, born at Malvern 30 Oct., 1873; is. Henry, cler. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct.,

92, aged 18, from Malvern coll.

Foster, rev. Herbert Henry, born at Taunton, Somer- set, 1864; o.s. William Lea, gent. Pembroke, matric. 27 Oct., 83, aged 19, B.A. 86, M.A. 90; Honours : — 2 theology 86.

Foster, Herbert William, born at Melling near Liver- pool, 2 Feb., 1862; 2s. Edwin, gent. Balliol, matric. 21 Oct., 80, aged 18 (from Liverpool institute) ; registrar high court Madras, and member of the board of examiners.

Foster, John Kenneth, born at Lightcliffe near Hali- fax, 1866 ; is. John, of Combe Park, Berks, arm. Magdalen, matric. 23 Oct., 85, aged 19, from Eton.

Foster, Joseph, M.A. 31 May, 1892 {honoris causa), author of "Alumni Oxonienses," "The British Peerage," and many other genealogical works (is. Joseph, of Sunderland, co. Durham, deceased), born 9 March, 44. See Men and Women of the Time.

Foster, Joseph Percy Thomasin, born at Barnston, Essex, 1866 ; is. James Thomasin, arm.

Corpus Christi, matric. 23 Oct., 84, aged 18, B.A. 89 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 86, 4 history 88.

Foster, Norris Tildasley, born at Bromsgrove

1856 ; is. Frederick Francis Forster, arm. Non-Collegiate, matric. 17 Jan., 80, aged 24, as Forster (from K. Edward's school, and Queen's coll. Birmingham) ; migrated to Turrell's Hall, B.A. 88, as Foster, having altered the spelling of his name; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 91.

Foster, Philip Staveley, born at Hali r ax 11 July, 1865; is. Abraham Briggs, of Canwell Hall, Tamworth, arm. Magdalen, matric. 16 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from Eton), B.A. 89.

Foster, rev. Tom Horatio, born at Leeds, Yorks,

1862 ; is. Williamson, gent. Non-Col- legiate, matric. 13 Jan., 83, aged 21 (from York- shire coll. , and St. John's school, Leeds) ; migrated to Exeter, B.A. 86 (Honours :— 2 theology 86) ; domestic chaplain to bishop of Lichfield 91.

Foster, rev. William Hay, born in London

1862; o.s. Thomas, gent. Non -Collegiate, matric. 17 Jan., 80, aged 18, B.A. 84, M.A. 87; curate of Margate, Kent, 90.

Foster, William Melville, born at Huddersfield Oct., 1871 ; 2s. John Edwin, surgeon. Christ Church, matric. 6 June, 90, aged 18, from Dover coll.

Foster, William Footner, born in London 27 May, 1869; is. Richard, gen. New Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 89, aged 20 (from Winchester), B.A. 92.

Fothergill, Sydney Roden, born at Aberdare, co. Montgomery, 14 Oct., 1864; is. Richard, arm. New Coll., matric. 10 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from Eton), B.A. 89, M.A. 91 (Honours :— 2 classical mods. 85, 2 classics 88) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 91.

Fothergill, Theodore Roden, born at Tenby, co. Pemb., 24 Feb., 1869; 2s. Richard, arm. New Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Eton) ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 90.

Fotheringham, John Knight, born at Tottenham, Middx. , 14 Aug. , 1874 ; 2s. David, presbyterian minister. Merton, matric. 18 Oct., 92, aged 18 (from city of London school), exhibitioner 91.

Foulkes, Arthur Glyndwr, born at Sale, Cheshire, 1864; o.s. Arthur David, gent. Pembroke, matric. 25 Jan., 83, aged 19 (from Harrow), B.A. 86, M.A. 89 ; student Inner Temple 84.

Fowkes, Henry Evett, born at Sydenham, Kent, 28 Nov., 1864 ; o.s. Henry Raper George, gent. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct., 83, aged 19 (from Dulwich coll.), scholar 83, B.A. 87, M.A. 90; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 84, 1 classics 87.

Fowler, Arthur John, born at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 29 Feb. , 1868 ; 5s. Robert, of Tonbridge, Kent, cler. Corpus Christi, matric. 22 Oct., 87, aged 19 (from Rugby and Sedbergh schools), exhibitioner 87, B.A. 92 (Honours :— i classical mods. 89, 3 classics 91) ; brother of Henry Watson, 77.

Fowler, Benjamin John Boyes, born at Plymouth 1863; o.s. Benjamin John, gent. Pembroke, matric. 23 Oct., 82, aged 19, B.A. 88.

Fowler, George Herbert, born at Lincoln Sept., 1861 ; o.s. John, cler. Keble, matric. 19 Oct., 80, aged 19 (from Eton), scholar 80-3, B.A. 84 ; Honours : — 2 natural science 84.

Fowler, Gerald, born at Leytonstone, Essex, 27 July, 1866 ; 4s. William, (formerly m.p.). Oriel, matric. 23 Oct. , 85, aged 19 (from Clifton coll. ), B.A. 88 (Honours :— 3 classical mods. 87), in the University eleven 88.

Fowler, Henry de Galle Lewis, born at Point-du- Galle, Ceylon, 2 March, 1861 ; is. John Townsend, arm. Balliol, matric. 29 Jan., 81, aged 19 (from Rugby), B.A. 84 (Honours:— 2 classical mods. 82, 2 classics 84) ; brother of Robert Clive, 86.

Fowler, Henry Ernest, born atTittenhall, co. Stafford, April, 1870 ; is. Henry Hartley, arm. Christ Church, matric. 8 June, 89, aged 19, from Begbrooke school.

Fowler, John Henry, born at Liverpool 3 Jan. , 1861 ; is. Henry Piggin, cler. Trinity, matric. 16 Oct. >

80, aged 19 (from Manchester and York schools), scholar 80-5, B.A. 84, M.A. 87 (Honours:— 1 classical mods. 81, 1 classics 84, English essay 86) ; assumed the name of Fowler in lieu of Piggin 84 ; a master at Manchester school.

Fowler, Robert Clive, born at Madras 20 Jan., 1868 ; 4s. John Townsend, of Madras C.S. Exeter, matric. 21 Oct. , 86, aged 18, from Warwick school ; brother of Henry, 81.

Fowler, Robert Copp, born at Ulting, Essex, 5 Nov. , 1867 ; is. Newell Vicary, vicar 63. New Coll. , matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 18 (from Winchester), scholar 86, B.A. 89 (Honours: — 1 mathl. mods. 87, 1 maths. 89, accessit junior mathl. exhibition 87 and 88, senior mathl. scholarship 93, accessit 91, and proxime accessit 92), Herschel astronomical prize 92.

Fowler, Thomas, d.d., president of Corpus Christi

81, where see.