Galpin, Henry Frank, born at Oxford 7 Jan., i860;
6s. John, gent. Queen's, matric. 22 Oct., 84, aged
24, B.A. 87, M.A. and B.C.L. 91 (Honours:—
2 civil law 89) ; a solicitor and proctor in vice-chan-
cellor's court, Oxford.
Galsworthy, John, born at Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, 14 Aug., 1867 ; is. John, gent. New Coll., matric. 18 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Harrow), B.A 89 (Honours :— 2 law 89) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 90.
Gait, William James, born at Hangehow, China, 8 July, 1872; is. James, surgeon. Wadham, matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 19 (from Hull and East Riding coll.), exhibitioner 90.
Galton, rev. Arthur Howard, born at Hadzor, co. Wore, 14 Dec, 1852 ; is. Herman Ernest, late capt. 60th Rifles. New Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 33 (from Cheltenham coll. 68-70, and Clare coll., Camb., 73-5), B.A. 90 (Honours :— 2 history 90) ; Roman Catholic priest, Oscott coll., near Birmingham.
Gambler, Michael Seymour Gore, born at Sharn- brook, Beds, 1862 ; 2s. Charles Gore, cler.
Brasenose, matric. 26 Jan., 81, aged 19, from Wellington coll.
Gamble, Reginald Arthur, born at Auckland, N.z. ,
1863 ; 2s. Dominick James, arm. Balliol,
matric. 18 Oct. , 81, aged 18, B.A. 84 ; undersecretary
to the government of India in the department of
finance and commerce.
Games, Harold Games Wynn Hughes-, born at Castle- town, isle of Man, 19 May, 1872; 3s.Joshua (H.-G) archdeacon of the isle of Man. Worcester, matric. 22 Oct., 91, aged 19 (from K. William's coll., isle of Man), exhibitioner 90.
Games, rev. Stephen Herbert Wynn Hughes-, born at Liverpool 1862 ; 2s. Joshua, archdeacon of
isle of Man. Worcester, matric. 20 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from K. William's coll., I.M.), scholar 81-5, B.A. 85 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 83, 2 classics 85) ; domestic chaplain to Bishop of Sodor and Man 88-9, curate of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, 90.
Gamlen, Arthur George Loraine, born at Harrow, Middx. , 15 March, 1871 ; is. Robert Heale, solicitor. New Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from the Charterhouse), B.A. 92 ; Honours 1—3 law 92.
Gamlen, William Blagdon, m.a., fellow of Exeter, where see page 129.
Gamon, John Percival, born at Chester 23 March, 1865; is. John, arm. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct., 83, aged 18 (from Marlborough coll.), B.A. 86, M.A. 90 ; Honours : — 3 law 86.
Gandell, Schomberg Frederick, born at Oxford 14 March ,1859 ; 3s. Robert, canon of Wells andLaudian prof, of Arabic. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct., 83, aged 24 (from Haileybury and Kingsley coll. Westward Ho !), B.A. 87.
Gandell, Shirley Mark Kerr, born at Oxford
1866 ; 5s. Robert, canon of Wells and Laudian prof, of Arabic. Hertford, matric. 14 Oct. , 84, aged 18 (from Uppingham school), scholar 83, B.A. 89 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 86, 4 classics 88.
Gane, rev. Charles Moreton, born at Wootton Bassett i860 ; o.s. Robert, gent. Non-Colle- GIATE, matric. 18 Oct., 80, aged 20 (from Chippen- ham gr. school) ; curate of St. Saviour's, with All Souls, Oxton, Cheshire, 90.
Garbett, Montague George Hubert, born at Colney Hatch, Middx., 15 Jan., 1862; y.s. Edward, cler. Merton, matric. 18 Oct., 81, aged 19.
Garden, Huntly Charles, born at Simla, E. Indies,
1866 ; is. Archibald Macdonald, arm.
Brasenose, matric. 23 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from
Shrewsbury gr. school), B.A. 89; Honours: — 2
classical mods. 87, 2 history 89.
Gardener, Edward William Axtell, born at Oxford
1869 ; o.s. Edward, gen. Non-Colle-
giate, matric. 17 Dec, 87, aged 18 (from Bedford
house, Oxford), B.A. 90.
Gardiner, Edward Norman, born at Buckingham 26 Jan. , 1864 ; o.s. Edward Joshua, cler. Corpus Christi, matric. 19 Oct., 83, aged 19 (from Marl- borough coll.), exhibitioner 83, B.A. 88, M.A. 90; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 84, 2 classics 87.
Gardiner, Frederick George, born in London
1874 ; o.s. Edward Bennett, gent. Keble, matric. 14 Dec, 92, aged 18.
Gardiner, George Austin, born at Cole Orton, co. Leicester, 14 Oct., 1872 ; o.s. George Edward, vicar of Lyonsdown, H.T., New Barnet. New Coll, matric. 14 Oct. , 92, aged 19, from the Charterhouse.
Gardiner, John, born at Oxford 1865 ; 2s.
John Job, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric. 23 May, 85, aged 20, B.A. 89; Honours: — 4 history' 89.
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, M.A., hon. student Christ Church 78 ; fellow All Souls' 84, and of Merton 92, where see page 95.
Gardner, Alan Hugh, born at Liverpool
1872; is. Henry, b.a., cler. Non-Collegiate, matric. 17 Dec. , 92, aged 20.
Gardner, rev. Charles Graham, born in London
1863 ; is. Charles, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric. 18 Oct., 83, aged 20 (from Forest school), B.A. 86 (Honours : — 3 theology 86) ; missionary at Tokyo, Japan.
Gardner, Ernest, born in London 25 Dec, 1864 ; o.s. William John, physician. Lincoln, matric. 23 Oct. , 82, aged 18 ; migrated to Charsley Hall ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 89.
Gardner, Harold Ennis, born at West Chester, New York, U.S.A., 27 Jan., 1870; is. William Robert. New Coll., matric. 14 Oct., 87, aged 17 (from Great Crosby school, and University coll. Liverpool), B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 89, 2 law 91.
Gardner, rev. Herbert, born at North Meols, co. Lane. ,3 Jan., 1866; is. Joseph Sturdy, cler. Merton, matric. 16 Oct., 84, aged 18 (from Tonbridge school), B.A. 88 (Honours : — 4 theology 88) ; curate of St. John's, Waterloo, 90.
Gardner, John Addyman, born at Bradford, Yorks, 3 July, 1867; is. Thomas, accountant. Magdalen, matric. 21 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Bradford gr. school), demy 86, B.A. 92; Honours : — 1 chemistry 89.
Gardner, Percy, M.A., Christ's coll. Camb., fellow Lincoln Coll., where see.
Gardner, Robert Cecil Dunn-, born in London
1871 ; is. Cecil, arm. Exeter, matric 26 April, 88, aged 17 (from the Charterhouse), B.A. 92.
Gardner, rev. Walter Sturdy, born at Southport, co. Lane, 29 Jan., 1868; 2s. Joseph Sturdy, ckr. St. Mary Hall, matric 24 Oct., 85, aged 17, exhibitioner 85, B.A. 90 ; curate of Nantwich, Cheshire, 91.
Garforth, George Ernest, born at Northallerton, Yorks, 1863 ; 3s. Francis Willoughby, arm. Christ Church, matric 24 Jan., 81, aged 18, B.A. 85.
Gamett, James Harold, born at Pennington, co. Lane, 7 Aug., 1872 ; is. James. Lincoln, matric. 23 Oct., 91, aged 19, from Manchester gr. school.
Gamett, Theodore, born at Southport, co. Lane, 23 June, 1861 ; 2s. Philip Frederick, solicitor. Christ Church, matric. 21 May, 80, aged 18 (from K. Edward's school) ; migrated to New Inn Hall B.A. 84 (Balliol 87).