G-eldart, William Martin, fellow St. John's 92, M.A.
92, where see. Gell, Ewen Alfred, born at Brighton 8 March, 1870 ;
is. Alfred Freeman, solicitor. Exeter, matric. 22
Jan., 89, aged 18, from Wells coll. Gell, Philip L)ttelton, M.A., Balliol, where see page
69. Gellibrand, Thomas William, born at Hobart Town,
Tasmania, 14 April, 1866 ; is. Thomas Lloyd, gent.
deceased. Queen's, matric. 22 Oct., 84, aged 18
(from Bradfield coll.), B.A. 87. Gellibrand, Walter Tice, born at Hobart Town,
Tasmania, 1871 ; 2s. Thomas Lloyd, of
Frankfort-on-Main, gen. deceased. Magdalen,
matric. 14 Oct. , 89, aged 18 (from Bradfield coll. ) ;
Honours : — 3 classical mods. 91. Genge, Robert Sealy, born at Limington, Somerset,
Oct., 1862; o.s. Richard, pleb. Kebi.e, matric.
16 Oct., 83, aged 20 (from Bedford school), B.A. 86,
M.A. 90 ; Honours : — 3 theology 86. Gennadtus, John, created D.C.L. 21 Feb., 1882;
Charge D'Affaires, from the Hellenic Government
in London.
Gent, John, m.a. , fellow Trinity 69-86, where see.
Gent, Lawrence Francis Mill, born at South Molton,
Devon, Aug., 1868 ; 8s. Robert Abraham, cler.
Keble, matric. 19 Oct., 86, aged 18 (from Perse
school, Cambridge), B.A. 90. Geoghegan, Richard Henry, born at Birkenhead,
Cheshire, 1866 ; is. Richard Taylor, gent.
Non-Collegiate, matric. 19 Jan., 84, aged 18;
Honours : — Chinese scholarship 86.
George, Francis William Brownlow, born at Holywell, Oxon. , 7 Dec. 1873; 2s. Hereford Brooke, cler. New Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 91, aged 17, from Win- chester coll. and Bedford school.
George, rev. Hereford Brooke, M.A. , fellow New Coll. 56, where see page 205.
George, James Morgan Tomkins, born at Bristol
1867 ; is. James, cler. Balliol, matric. 24 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Malvern coll.), exhibitioner
84, B.A. 88 (Honours :— 2 Indian languages 88); assist, commissioner, Burma.
George, William Edward, born at Aberdare, co. Glam. , 24 July 1865; is. John Joseph, unitarian minister. Non-Collegiate, matric. 18 Jan., 90, aged 24, from University coll. , Cardiff.
Georgeson , James, born at Wick, co. Caithness, 20 Feb., 1869; is. William of Aberdeen, gen. Pem- broke, matric 25 Oct., 90, aged 21 (from Aberdeen university), scholar 90 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 92.
Gepp, Henry John, m.a., fellow New Coll. 53-75, where see page 215.
Gerrans, Henry Tresawna, M.A. , fellow Worcester,
82, where see.
Gethen rev. Percy, born at Hereford 20 Dec. , 1862; 3s. Henry, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric. 13 Oct., 83, aged 20 (from Merchant Taylors' school), scholar Wadham 83; migrated to New Coll., B.A. 86, M.A. 90 (Honours:— 2 theology 86); sub. -warden St. Thomas coll., Colombo, Ceylon, 88.
Gibbes, Frank Douglas, born in London 3 Sept., 1872; 2s. George Davison, stockbroker. Brase- nose, matric. 22 Oct., 91, aged 19, from Win- chester coll.
Gibbins , rev. Henry de Beltgens, born at Port Eliza- beth, South Africa, 23 May, 1865 ; is. Joseph Henry, accountant. Wadham, matric. 16 Oct.,
83, aged 18 (from Bradford gr. school), scholar 82, B.A. 88, M.A. 90 ; Honours :— 2 classical mods.
85, 2 classics 87, Cobden prize 89.
Gibbins, Horace John, born at Brighton 24 July,
1870; is. John George, architect. Exeter, matric.
16 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Brighton coll.), scholar
89 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 91.
Gibbons, Arthur Christian, born at Lower Milton, co. Worcester, Dec, 1868; 7s. Benjamin, cler. Kebi.e, matric. 17 Oct., 87, aged 19 (from Eton), B.A. 91.
Gibbons, Leonard Philip, born at Lower Milton, co. Wore. , July, 1867 ; 6s. Benjamin, cler. Keble, matric. 19 Oct., 86, aged 18 (from Eton), B.A. 90.
Gibbons, Robert, born at Seend, Wilts, 15 June, 1866 ; o.s. Robert, cler. Merton, matric. 24 Oct., 85, aged 19, from Harrow,
Gibbons , William John Brodrick Edgeworth, born at Walsall, co. Stafford, 12 May, 1870 ; is. William Edgeworth, gen. Worcester, matric. 16 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Uppingham school).
GibbS, Charles Herbert, born at Hensall, Yorks,
1869; o.s. Joseph James, vicar 67. St. John's, matric. 15 Oct., 87, aged 18 (from Rossall school), B.A. 90; Honours: — 3 classical mods. 89.
GibbS, Francis Lomax, born at Clifton Hampden, Oxon, 28 Jan., 1869 ; 4s. John Lomax, cler. Keble, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 18, B.A. 92.
GibbS, George Abraham, born at Charlton House
Nailsea, Somerset, 6 July, 1873; is. Antony, m.a.
Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 92, aged 19,
from Eton. GibbS, Henry Lloyd, born in London 21 July, 1861 ;
5s. Henry Hucks, of Aldenham House, Herts. , late
m.p. Christ Church, matric. 21 May, 80, aged 18. GibbS, Joseph Arthur, born at Belmont, Somerset, 25
Nov. , 1867 ; is. George Louis Monck, arm. Christ
Church, matric. 14 Jan. , 87, aged 19. GibbS, rev. Reginald, born at Clifton Hampden, Oxon,
29 June, 1867 ; 3s. John Lomax, gent. Keble,
matric. 19 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Lancing coll.),
B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 3 theology 90. GibbS, Stanley Vaughan, born in London 7 Jan.,
1872; 3s. George Louis Monck, arm., deceased.
New Coll., matric. 17 Jan., 91, aged 19, from the
Charterhouse. GibbS, Villiers, born at South Kensington 20 June,
1871 ; is. Ben Thomas Brandreth, knight, deceased.
St. John's, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 18, from
Oswestry gr. school. Giblin, William Leslie, born at Hobart Town, Tas- mania, 28 Feb., 1867; is. William Robert, arm.
Lincoln, matric. 22 Oct., 86, aged 19, from Christ's
coll., Hobart Town. Gibson, Alan Graeme, born at Pinner, Herts, 7 Feb.,
1874; is. Edward Graeme, of Chislehurst, M. A. ,
solicitor. University Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 92,
aged 18, from Haileybury. Gibson, Arthur Edward, born at West Cowes, 1. w. ,
10 June, 1863; is. John Edward, surgeon. Exeter,
matric. 18 Oct., 82, aged 19 (from the Charterhouse),
B.A. 87, M.A. 89 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods.
84, 3 history 86. Gibson, Bertram Robert, born at Dartford, Kent, 4
Dec. ,1868; is. Charles Reginald, arm. Trinity,
matric. 15 Oct., 87, aged 18 (from Canterbury
school), B.A. 91 (Honours : — 3 law 91) ; bar.-at-
law, Inner Temple, 92. Gibson , Charles, born at Lancaster 30 July, 1867 ;
is. Thomas, arm. University Coll., matric. 18
Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Westminster school), B.A.
89 ; Honours : — 2 law 89. Gibson, Edgar Charles Sumner, M. A. , select preacher
93-4, see page 6. Gibson, Robinson Fooks, born at Sittingbourne,
Kent, 2 Nov., 1861 ; is. Frederick George, gent.
Queen's, matric. 4 May, 81, aged 19 (from Q.
Elizabeth gr. school, Faversham); bar-at-law, Middle
Temple, 85.