247 Greathed.
Greenhow. 248
Greathed, Edward Wilberforce Osborn, born at
Wimborne, Dorset, 7 July, 1870 ; is. genl. Edward
Harris, k.C.b. Christ Church, matric. 1 June,
88, aged 17 (from Eton), B.A. 91 ; Honours :—
2 history 91.
G-reatorex, Ronald Henry, born at Stapleton, co. Glouc., 18 May, 1862; 2s. Edward, arm. St. John's, matric. 15 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from Bristol school), scholar 8i, B.A. 84 ; Honours :— 2 mathe- matical mods. 83, 3 mathematics 84, 4 physiology 86.
Greaves, Arthur Ivan, born at South Norwood, Surrey, Jan. 1873 ; is. James Henry, C.E. Keble, matric. 20 Oct., 91, aged 18, from Hurstpierpoint coll.
Greaves, rev. Edmund, born at Cosgrove, Northants, 24 June, 1867 ; 3s. John Albert, M. A. , vicar of Billingborough. Lincoln, matric. 13 May, 86, aged 18 (from University school, Pittsburg, Virginia u. s. A. ), B.A. 89 (Honours: — 2 theology 89) ; curate of St. Mary-the-less, Lambeth 91.
Greaves, James, born at Oldham, co. Lane,
1864; is. John, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric. 13 Oct. , 83, aged 19 (from Chester training coll.), B.A. 88 ; Honours : — 3 history 87.
Greaves, John Hall, born at Oldham, co. Lane, 26 Dec, 1863; 2s. Hilton, gent. Hertford, matric.
18 Oct., 83, aged 19 (from Rugby), B.A. 87 (Honours : — 1 law 87, 3 civil law 89) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 89.
Greaves, Richard Ley, born at Cirencester 12 Sept., 1869 ; is. Richard Thomas, of East Carlton, Uppingham, gen. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 22 Oct., 91, aged 22, from Denstone coll.
Greaves, William Ernest, born at Shoreham, Sussex, Aug., 69 ; is. William, gen. Keble, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Harrow), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 90, 3 classics 92.
Green, Alexander Henry, M.A., fellow Gonville AND Caius, Cambridge, 55-68, hon. fellow 92, professor of geology, Oxford, 88 ; incorporated from Christ Church 18 Jan. , 89, aged 56, where see.
Green, rev. Arthur Daniel, born at Rainham, Kent,
1854; o.s. Daniel Graie, gent. Non-Col-
LEGIATE, matric. 15 April, 82, aged 28 (from
Rochester gr. school) ; curate of St. Paul's cathedral
mission, Calcutta, 91.
Green, Arthur Meredith Wilson, born at Seaforth, co. Lane, 3 Aug., 1870; is. Henry Meredith, gen., deceased. Non-Collegiate, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Liverpool institute and Ellesmere coll. , Salop) ; migrated to New Coll. ; Honours : — 2 history 92.
Green, rev. Charles Alfred Howell, born at Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, May, 1864 ; is. Alfred John Morgan, cler. Keble, matric. 16 Oct., 83, aged
19 (from the Charterhouse), scholar 83, B.A. 87, M.A. 92 (Honours: — 2 classical mods. 84, 2 classics 87) ; librarian of Oxford union society 86, president 87 ; curate of Aberdare, co. Glam. , 88.
Green, Claude Egerton, born at Lexden, Essex,
1863 ; is. Henry Egerton, arm. Balliol, matric. 17 Oct., 82, aged 19 (from Eton), B.A. 86, M.A. 89 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 84, 3 classics 86.
Green, rev. Edmund Tyrrell, born in London
1865; o.s. Charles Alexander, gent. Non-Col- LEGiATE, matric. 13 Jan., 83, aged 18 (from Southwark gr. school), scholar St. John's 86, B.A. 86, M.A. 89 (Honours :— 1 theology 86, Denyer and Johnson theological scholarship 87) ; lecturer in theology and Hebrew St. David's coll. , Lampeter, 90.
Green, Francis William, born 1865 ; 2s. Edward
arm. Christ Church, matric. 16 Jan. , 80, aged 15.
Green, George Buckland, Fereday fellow St. John's
88, M.A. 90, where see page
Green, Harry John, born at Mirfield, Yorks, 20 Dec., 1869 ; is. George, gen. Non-Collegiate, matric.
18 Jan. , 90, aged 20, from Mirfield and Bradford gr. schools.
Green, rev. Herbert Webster, born at Stoke-on-Trent 1867 ; 3s. Edward John, arm. University Coll. , matric. 13 Oct. , 88, aged 21 ; Honours : — 2 history 91.
Green, James Samuel, born in London 1861 ;
o.s. James Richard Goring, arm. Pembroke, matric. 4 Feb. , 80, aged 19, B.A. 83, B.C. L. and M.A. 86 (Honours : — 2 law 83, 3 civil law 85) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 85.
Green, rev. James William, born at Kidbrooke, Kent, Feb. ,1866; is. Samuel, gent. Oriel, matric. 23 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Lancing coll.), B.A. 88, M.A. 92 ; curate of St. Mary, Woolwich, 89.
Green, John Edward, born at Erdington, co. Warwick, 1862 ; is. John Fowler, cler. Christ Church, matric. 26 Jan., 85, aged 23.
Green, Marshall Yeoman, born at Byker, Northumber- land, Jan., 1867; is. Thomas, cler. Christ Church, matric. 30 May, 85, aged 18, B.A. 90.
Green, Martin Holdich, M.A., fellow Trinity 72, where see.
Green, Percy Sleath, born in London 23 Jan., 1869;
2s. John, arm. Exeter, matric. 28 April, 87, aged
18, from Eton. Green, Reginald Southwell Graham, born at Southwell,
Notts, 14 Oct. , 1865; 2s. Joseph, cler. Queen's,
matric. 22 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from Appleby gr.
school, Westmorland), exhibitioner 84, B.A. 88,
M.A. 92; Honours: — 2 classical mods. 86, 2 classics
Green, Richard Harry, born at Rowley Regis, co. Stafford, 9 Aug. , 1862; o.s. Richard, gen, Wor- cester, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 27, from Broms- grove school.
Green, Theophilus Herbert, born at Dowdeswell, co. Gloucester, 1861 ; is. Theophilus, arm.
Balliol, matric. 1 Nov. , 80, aged 19 (from Leam- ington coll.), B.A. 84, M.A. 91 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 82, 3 classics 84.
Greene, Charles Henry, born at Henley-on-Thames,
1865 ; 2s. William, gent. Wadham,
matric. 11 Oct., 84, aged 19 (from Bedford gr.
school), B.A. 88, M.A. 91 ; Honours : — 3 classical
mods. 86, 2 history 88.
Greene, Herbert William, M.A., B.C.L., fellow MAG- DALEN 88, where see.
Greene, Walter Raymond, born at Bury St. Edmund's 1870; is. Edward Walter, arm. Oriel, matric. 27 Jan., 88, aged 18 (from Eton), B.A. 92.
Greenfield, James Lawrence, born at Reading 21 Aug., 1865; is. James, gent. Wadham, matric.
19 Oct. , 85, aged 20, from Reading gr. school.
Greenfield, Thomas Joseph (Martineau), born at Lewisham, Kent, 27 Feb., 1864; 2s. Thomas Joseph, bar.-at-law. Non-Collegiate, matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 18 (from St. Paul's school) ; exhibitioner Magdalen 83-6, B.A. 86 ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 84, 3 mathematics 86.
Greenham, Henry Warren Goodwin, born at Lud- borough, co. Lincoln, 1871 ; is. Henry,
cler. Charsley's Hall, matric. 19 Feb., 87, aged 16, B.A. 90.
Greenhow, Wilfred Harry, born in East Indies 17 Oct., 1872; is. Henry Martineau, army surgeon, retired. Exeter, matric. 13 Oct., 90, aged 17, from Marlborough coll.