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253 Grindrod.




G-rindrod, William Harold, born at Chester Dec, 1865 ; 2s. William, cler. Keble, matric. 22 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from York school), B.A. 89; Honours: — 3 history 88.

Grissell, Hartwell de la Garde, M.A., Brasenose, where see.

Griswold, Hervey de Witt, born at Dryden, U.S.A.,

i860 ; is. Benjamin, gen. Non-Collegiate,

matric. 20 Oct., 88, aged 28 from Union coll.,

Schenectady, and Union theological seminary, New

York city.

Gritten, Digby, born in London 30 Jan., 1863; 7s. Henry Frederick, of 'Brixton, gent. Non-Colle- GIATE, matric. 13 Jan. , 83, aged 19 (from Elstree school), B.A. 92.

Gritten, William George Howard, born in London

1870 ;.o.s. William, arm. BRASENOSE, matric.

14 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Giggleswick and Man-

ch ster gr. schools), scholar 89; Honours: — 2

classical mods. 91.

Grose, rev. Thomas Hodge, M. A. , fellow Queen's 70, where see page 174.

Grosvenor, Harry John, born at Ludlow, 1864 ;

is. John, gent. Christ Church, matric. 13 Oct., 82, aged 18 (from Shrewsbury school), exhibitioner 82-6 ; migrated to Balliol, B.A. 87.

Grosvenor, lord Henry George, born 23 June, 1861 ; 3s. Hugh Lupus, duke of Westminster. Christ Church, matric. 21 May, 80, aged 18.

Grotrian, Harold Hunter, born at Hessle, Yorks, 12 June, 1871; 3s. Frederick Brent, M. p., etc. Brase- nose, matric. 15 Oct., 90, aged 19, from the Charterhouse.

Grotrian, Herbert Brent, born at Hessle, Yorks, 29 March, 1870; 2s. Frederick Brent, M. p., etc. Trinity, matric. 13 Oct. , 88, aged 18 (from Rossall school), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 law 91, 3 civil law 92.

Grove, Henry, born at Tulse Hill, Surrey,

1863 ; is. Edward, arm. Brasenose, matric. 21 Jan., 82, aged 19, from Harrow.

Groves, Charles Nixon, born at Nottingham Feb. , 1871 ; is. Charles Innocent, gen. Keble, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 18, from Bradfield coll.

Groves, Herbert Barton, born at Lincoln 30 Nov., 1871 ; is. Edward, gen. New Coll., matric. 10 Oct., 90, aged 19 (from Leeds gr. school), ex- hibitioner 90 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 92.

Grubb, Lewis Henry, born at Clogheen, Ireland, 27 July, 1865; o.s. Henry Samuel, arm. Brasenose, matric. 22 Jan., 85, aged 19 (from Rugby), B.A. 88, M.A. 92.

Gruchy, George Le Maitre, born in Jersey 22 April, 1869 ; is. George, gen. Wadham, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Victoria coll., Jersey), B.A. 91.

Gruchy, rev. Sorel John, born at St. Heliers, Jersey, 1862 ; is. Sorel, gen. Non-Collegiate, matric. 18 Oct., 80, aged 18, B.A. 84, M.A. 91 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 82, 3 classics 84.

Grueber, Erwin, Hon. M.A. 83 reader in Roman law 81-93. See Balliol, page 69.

Grundy, Ernest Paul Richard Blackburne, born at Paignton, Devon, 8 Dec, 1873; 2s. Thomas Richard, M.A., cler. Wadham, matric. 18 Oct., 92, aged 19, from St. Michael's coll. Lyme Regis.

Grundy, Frederick, born at Brecon 16 Jan. , 1869 ; 4s. Frank, gen. Jesus Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Christ coll., Brecon), scholar 88; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 90.

Grundy, George Beardoe, born at Wallasey, Cheshire,

1863; o.s. George Frederick, cler. Brasenose,

matric. 23 April, 88, aged 27 (from Lichfield gr.

school), B.A. 91 ; Honours: — 2 classical mods. 90,

2 classics 91, geographical studentship 92.

Grut, Charles Frederick de Jersey, born at Gremouth, N.z. , 4 April, 1872; is. Alfred Charles, banker, deceased. Exeter, matric. 18 Oct. , 92, aged 20, from Marlborough gr. school.

Gubbins, James Cornwallis, born at Upham, Hants, Feb. , 1870 ; 2s. Richard Shard, cler. Christ Church, matric. 11 Oct., 89, aged 19, from Winchester.

Guedalla, Florance Montefiore, born at Sydenham, Kent, 23 June, 1873; is. Joseph, solicitor. Balliol, matric. 18 Oct. , 92, aged 19, from Rugby.

Guerrier, rev. William Joyson, born in London i860 ; is. Henry John, gent. Worcester, matric. 27 Jan., 81, aged 21, B.A. 84 (Honours : — 2 theology 84) ; curate of Oxford St. Clement 85.

Guest, rev. Edward Albert, born at Wem, Salop, 1862 ; 3s. John, cler. Non-Collegiate, matric. 28 Jan., 84, aged 22 (from Tarporley gr. school) ; migrated to St. Edmund Hall, B.A. 87, M.A. 90; curate of Emanuel church, Paddington, 88.

Guille, rev. Hubert George de Carteret, born at Exeter 2 April, 1861 ; 3s. George, deCarteret, rector of Little Torrington, Devon. Trinity, matric. 16 Oct., 80, aged 19 (from Cheltenham coll.), B.A. 84, M.A. 87 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 82, 3 classics 84) ; curate of Rampisham, Dorset, 85-7.

Guinness, Richard Noel, born at Stillorgan, co. Dublin, 22 Dec, 1870; 5s. Henry, arm. Trinity, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 18 (from Uppingham school), B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 history 92.

Gulley, Henry James, born at Horfield, co. Hereford, 1870 ; 4s. Henry Doddridge, cler. Keble, matric. 11 Oct., 90, aged 20, from King's school, Bristol.

Gully, James William Herschell, born in London

1867 ; 2s. William Court, Q.c. Balliol,

matric. 19 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Winchester),

B.A. 90 (Honours: — 3 classical mods. 88); bar.-

at-law, Inner Temple, 92.

Gundry, Joseph, born at Bridport, Dorset, March 1868 ; is. Joseph Pearkes Fox, arm. , deceased. Hertford, matric. 29 Oct., 87, aged 19.

Gunner, George Herbert, born at Bishops Waltham, Hants, 22 July, 1863 ; 7s. Charles James, solicitor, deceased. New Coll. , matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 19 (from Haileybury), B.A. 87, M.A. 92 (Honours : ■ — 3 classical mods. 84, 3 classics 86) ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 90.

Gunnery, rev. PYederick Bernard, born in London Oct., 1866; 3s. Reginald, cler. Christ Church, matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 20, B.A. 90; curate of St. John Baptist, Moordown, Bournemouth, 91.

Gunning, rev. Henry William Maude, born at Northampton 21 April, 1865 ; 4s. George William, arm. Christ Church, matric. 31 May, 84, aged 19 (from Radley coll.), B.A. 88, M.A. 91 ; curate of Wigan, co. Lane, 89.

Gunson, Herbert Edward, born at Leyton, Essex, 17 Aug., 1869; is. Edward Richard, gen. St. Edmund Hall, matric 20 Jan., 91, aged 22, from St. Stephen's coll. Walthamstow, and King's coll. London.

Gunter, James Spencer St. Aubyn, born at Wetherby, Yorks, 1873 ; 2s. Robert, colonel in the

army, M.p. Merton, matric. 18 Oct., 92, from Eton.

Giinther, Robert William Theodore, born at Surbiton, Surrey, 23 Aug. , 1869 ; is. Albert Charles L. G. , D.Med., f.r.s. Magdalen, matric. 16 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from University coll. school, London), demy 87, B.A. 92; Honours :— 1 morphology 92, bio- logical scholarship at Naples 93.

Gumey, Archer George Harptree, born at Wribben- hall, co. Worcester, 24 Feb., 1869; 2s. Augustus William, cler. Worcester, matric. 16 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from St. Michael coll., Tenbury), B.A. 91.