Wagner, Orlando Henry, born at Hertford 7 Dec. ,
1867; is. Orlando Henry, gent. Worcester,
matric. 19 Oct. , 86, aged 18 (from Christ's hospital),
B.A. 90.
Wahl, Adelbert Emil August, born at Mannheim, in Germany, 1872 ; 2s. Rudolf Frederick,
gen. Corpus Christi, matric. 16 Oct., 90, aged 18 (from Bonn university) ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 92.
Wain, Harris, born at Brynmawr, co. Brecon, 7 June, 1866 ; 3s. Richard, gent. Queen's, matric. 22 Oct. , 84, aged 18 (from Magdalen coll. school), B.A. 88.
Wainewright, John Bannerman, born at Wyefield, Kent, 3 July, 1871 ; is. John Hertslet, bar.-at-law. New Coll. , matric. 10 Oct. , 90, aged 19 (from Winchester), scholar 89 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 92.
Wainwright, George Edward, born at Redcar, Yorks, 1862 ; is. David, gent. Univer-
sity Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 80, aged 18 (from Bradford gr. school), exhibitioner 80-1, scholar 81-5 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 82, 3 classics 84.
Wainwright, James Charles, born at Aughton, co. Lane, 1865 ; o.s. Josiah. Queen's,
matric. 15 Jan., 91, aged 26.
Wainwright, Leonard Dart, born at Altrincham, Cheshire, 8 April, 1868; 2s. Frederick, cler. Wor- cester, matric. 17 Oct., 87, aged 19 (from Manchester gr. school), scholar 87, B.A. 91 ; Honours: — 1 classical mods. 89, 1 classics 91.
Wait, Hamilton Wilfrid Killigrew, born at Clifton, co. Gloucester, 11 Jan., 1865; is. William Killigrew, formerly M. P. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct. ,83, aged 18 (from Winchester), B.A. 86, M.A. 90; Honours ; — 3 history 86.
Waite, Anthony Temple, born at Cheltenham 25 June, i860; o.s. William, arm. St. Mary Hall, matric. 13 April, 80, aged 19.
Waite, William, born at Leatherhead, Surrey,
i860; 4s. Edward, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric.
18 Oct., 80, aged 20 (from Blackheath gr. school), exhibitioner Balliol 80-4, B.A. 84, M.A. 87 ; Honours : — 3 history 84.
Waithman, Charles Anthony, born at Halifax, Yorks, 1855 ; is. Charles William, arm. Hertford, matric. 26 Feb. , 86, aged 31.
Waitt, rev. Thomas Brace, born at Barn borough, Northumberland, 18 Feb., 1862; is. Thomas, gent. Lincoln, matric. 19 Oct. , 83, aged 21 (from Whit- gift school, Croydon), B.A. 86, M.A. 90 (Honours: — 1 history 86) ; senior assist, master Weymouth coll. 87-91, missioner St. Andrew, Sarum, 91.
Wake, Edwin St. Aubyn, born at Brampton, Northants, 20 July, 1862 ; 2s. Charles, vice-admiral r.n. Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from the Charterhouse) ; lieut. the Liverpool regt. 84, squad- ron officer 10th Bengal Lancers 91.
Wake, Hereward Eyre, born at Sutton-in-the-Forest, Yorks, 8 June, 1869 ; is. Baldwyn Eyre, cler. Worcester, matric. 16 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Rossall school), B.A. 92.
Wakefield, Richard Dunster, born at Dalston, Middx. , i860; 3s. Richard, gent. Pembrokf, matric. 30 Oct., 80, aged 20, B.A. 84, M.A. 87; Honours: — 4 theology 84.
Wakefield, William Henry, born at Sedgwick, West- morland, 28 May, 1870 ; 3s. William Henry, banker, deceased. New Coll., matric. 11 Oct., 89, aged
19 (from the Charterhouse) ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 91.
Wakeling, George Henry, born in London 18 July, 1859; is. George, arm. Trinity, matric. 15 Oct., 87, aged 28, B.A. 90; Honours:— 1 history 90.
Wakeman, Henry Offley, m.a., fellow All Souls'
73, where see page 272. Wakeman, Maurice Reginald, born at Warminster,
Wilts, 8 Aug., 1872; 2s. Herbert John, solicitor.
St. John's, matric. 17 Oct., 91, aged 19 (from
Clifton coll.), exhibitioner 93 ; Honours : — 2
classical mods. 93. Walcot, John Owen Halliwell, born at Ryde, i.w.,
31 March, 1873 ; is. Owen Charles, of Mytton
House, Salop, j.p. Hertford, matric. 19 Feb.,
92, aged 18, from Shrewsbury school. Walde, Cornelius Paul, born at Sowerby near Halifax,
Yorks, 9 Oct., 1872 ; is. Menachem Niphdeh, rector
of Linkenholt, Hants. New Coll., matric. 16
Oct., 91, aged 19 (from Winchester), scholar 90;
Honours : — 1 classical mods. 93. Walden, Allan Frederick, born at Ware, Herts, 16
Sept., 1871 ; is. Keith, congregational minister.
Magdalen, matric. 22 Oct., 91, aged 20 (from
Bradford gr. school), exhibitioner 90. Waldoek, Frederick William, born at Candy, Ceylon,
18 March, 1866 ; is. Frederick David, baptist missionary. Lincoln, matric. 27 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Blackheath school), scholar Hertford 85, B.A. 90 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 87, 3 classics 89.
Waldron, James Ballard, born at Launceston in Tasmania 4 July, 1871 ; is. James Ballard, solicitor. Corpus Christi, matric. 16 Oct., 90, aged 19, from Launceston church gr. school.
Waldy, John Bradshaw de Garmundesway, born 10 April, 1864 ; 2s. John Edward, rector of Claverton, Somerset. Magdalen, matric. 19 Oct., 83, aged
19 (from Bath coll.), B.A. 88.
Waldy, Lionel St. Clair, born at Affpuddle, Dorset,
20 April, 1863 ; is. William Thomas Jervis, of 43rd l.i. Exeter, matric. 16 Oct., 89, aged 26, from Clifton coll. and Tiverton school.
Wales, Frank Howard, born at Belfast April, 1867 ; 7s. George Frederick, D.Med. Keble, matric. 22 Oct., 85, aged 18 (from Queen's coll., Belfast), B.A.
88, M.A. 92 ; Honours : — 3 history 88. Wales, John Adolphus Gatgens, born at Hull 15 June,
1871 ; is. Alfred, gen. Lincoln, matric. 17 Oct. ,
89, aged 18 (from Hull and East Riding coll.), scholar 90 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 91.
Waley, John Felix, born in London 30 Dec, 1862; 3s. Jacob, late bar.-at-law, deceased. Balliol, matric. 18 Oct., 81, aged 18 (from Harrow), B.A. 85, M.A. 89 (Honours : — 2 classical mods. 83, 3 classics 85) ; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 92.
Walker, Arthur Henry, born at Bristol 14 Feb., 1871 ; o.s. Henry John, schoolmaster. Hertford, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 18 (from Bristol gr. school), scholar 88 ; Honours : — 1 classical mods. 91.
Walker, Arthur John, born at Harlsey, Yorks, 23 Dec. , 1869 ; is. Edmund, arm., deceased. New Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Harrow) ; Honours : — 3 classical mods. 90.
Walker, Arthur Thomas John, born in Dundee 22 April, 1867 ; 3s. Thomas, gent. Trinity, matric. 16 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Dundee and Glenalmond coll.), B.A. 90 ; Honours :— 4 history 89.
Walker, Bernard Stevens, born at Walkhampton, Devon, 25 March, 1873 ; 2s. Charles Henry, vicar. Oriel, matric. 27 Oct., 91, aged 18, from Marlborough.
Walker, Charles Henry Hirst, born at Bootle, co. Lane, 1870; is. Charles James, gen.
University Coll., matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Wakefield school), exhibitioner 89.
Walker, Charles William, born at Durham
1867 ; is. William, gen. Non-Collegiate, matric. 15 Oct., 87, aged 20, from Durham gr. school.