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633 Warburton.


"Warburton, Philip Egerton Bass, born at Kilmington, Somerset, 9 July, 1873; o.s. Mark, B.D., rector. Queen's, matric. 9 Feb., 92, aged 18, from Clifton coll.

"Warburton, William Parsons, M.A., fellow All Souls' 49-53, where see page 279.

"Ward, Alfred Haden Melville, born at Rowley Regis, co. Stafford, i860 ; 4s. Thomas, cler.

Non-Collegiate, matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 22, B.A. 86.

"Ward, Arthur, born at Aymestrey, co. Hereford, 3 Aug., 1870; 3s. John George Rodney, of Yatton Court, co. Hereford, arm. Magdalen, matric. 14 Dec, 88, aged 18 (from Radley coll.), demy 88.

Ward, Bernard Rowland, born at Winchester 16 Jan., 1863 ; is. Bernard Edward, arm. Balliol, matric. 20 Jan., 87, aged 24 (from Winchester) ; capt. R.E. 91, of the military works department India.

Ward, Charles Crosbie, born at Monkstown, co. Dublin, 26 March, 1868 ; y.s. hon. Somerset Richard Hamilton. Keble, matric. 17 Oct., 87, aged 19, from Glenalmond coll.

Ward, rev. Charles Fenwick, born at Manchester

1862 ; 2s. John Charles, gent. Non-Colle- giate, matric. 14 Oct., 82, aged 20, B.A. 85, M.A. 89; curate of Chadderton (Christ Church), co. Lane, 91.

Ward, Charles Osman, born at Bramber, Sussex,

1870 ; 2s. Thomas William, cler. Non- Collegiate, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from Reading school), B.A. 92.

Ward, Francis, born at Meerut, East Indies, 12 Jan., 1872 ; 4s. George Ernest, late Indian c.s. Non- Collegiate, matric. 30 Jan., 90, aged 18 (from Clifton coll.) ; migrated to Wadham 16 Jan., 91 ; brother of George next-named.

Ward, George, born at Meerut, East Indies, 1871 ; 3s. George Ernest, arm. Non-Collegiate, matric. 30 Jan., 90, aged 19 (from Clifton coll.) ; brother of Francis last-named.

Ward, George Ernest, m.a., Wadham, where see page 534.

Ward, George Herbert, born at Oxford

1862 ; is. George Sturton, cler., fellow of Hertford coll. Hertford, matric. 18 May, 80, aged 18 (from Malvern coll.), scholar 79-84, B.A. 86, M.A. 88 ; Honours : — 1 mathematical mods. 81, 1 mathe- matics 84.

Ward, rev. George Sturton, M.A. , fellow Hertford 74, where see page 597.

Ward, Herbert, born at Bradford, Yorks, 2 May, 1866; is. Samson, gent. Corpus Christi, matric. 26 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Bradford gr. school), scholar 85, B.A. 89, M.A. 92 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 87, 1 classics 89, English essay 90.

Ward, rev. Hugh Herbert Edward Nelson-, born at Radstock, near Bath, 1863 ; 3s. Horatio

Nelson, cler. Brasenose, matric. 19 Oct., 82, aged 19 (from Bruton gr. school) B.A. 86 (Honours: — 4 theology 86) ; curate of Ashbourne with Mapleton 90.

"Ward, rev. Lionel, born at Winchester 29 Feb., 1864 ; 2s. Bernard Edward, lieut.-col. Lincoln, matric. 23 Oct., 82, aged 18 (from Winchester), B.A. 86, M.A. 89 (Honours : — 2 history 86) ; curate of Southampton All Saints 91.

Ward, Maurice Suckling, born at Pinner, Middx. , 26 Jan., 1873 ; 2s. Nelson, registrar in Chancery. New Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 91, aged 18 (from Harrow) ; brother of the next-named.

"Ward, Nelson, born at Pinner, Middx., 19 Feb., 1865 ; is. Nelson, registrar in Chancery. New Coll., matric. 18 Jan., 84, aged 18 (from Harrow), B.A. 87 (Honours:— 2 classical mods. 85, 4 law 87) ; brother of the last-named.

Ward, Robert Bruce, born at Middleton, co. Lane, June, 1868 ; 3s. Charles Bruce, cler. Keble, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 20 (from Denstone coll.), B.A. 91 ; Honours : — 2 history 91.

Ward, Stanhope Edgar, born at Wrecclesham, Surrey, 1863 ; 5s. Owen Lewis, arm. Pembroke, matric. 23 Oct., 82, aged 19, B.A. (Non-Colle- GIATE) 87, M.A. 90.

"Ward, Thomas Clare, born at Market Overton, Rutland, 1870 ; is. Thomas William, cler.

Charsley's Hall, matric. 20 Mav, 86, aged 16, B.A. 90.

Ward, Thomas Humphrey, m.a., fellow Brasenose 69-72, where see page 356.

Ward, rev. Thomas Wilfred, born at Street, Somerset, 23 March, 1868 ; is. John, cler. Non-Collegiate, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 20 (from Leatherhead school) ; migrated to Worcester, B.A. 91,

"Ward, William Carey, born at Cardiff 1867 ;

o.s. James Lewis Carey, gent. Non-Collegiate, matric. 13 Oct. , 84, aged 17, B.A. 88, M.A. 92; Honours : — 2 theology 88.

Ward, William Errol, born at Brighton 1872 ;

3s. Thomas William, cler. ' Non-Collegiate, matric. 20 Oct., 90, aged 18, from Cranleigh-by- Guildford school.

"Ward, William Henry, born at Coventry 27 July, 1871 ; o.s. Joseph, gen., deceased. St. John's, matric. 11 Oct., 90, aged 19 (from Coventry school), scholar 90 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods 92.

Ward, rev. William John, born at Ashburton, Devon, 23 March, 1861 ; 2s. William Baker, gent. Exeter, matric. 20 Oct., 81, aged 20 (from Wesleyan coll., Taunton), scholar 80-5, B.A. 85 (Honours : — 2 mathematical mods. 83, 2 mathe- matics 85) ; chaplain to the forces 90.

Ward, William Shaw, born at Madras 1844 ;

is. Ferdinand de Wilton, d.d. Non-Collegiate,

matric. 20 Oct. , 90, aged 46. "WardeH, Harold Piper, born at Tunbridge Wells,

Kent, 1861 ; is. John Richard, D.Med.

Christ Church, matric. 21 May, 80, aged 19,

from Eton. "Wardell, Warren Henry, born at St. Heliers, Jersey,

1866 ; is. William Henry, arm. Pembroke,

matric. 27 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from Canterbury

school), scholar 85. Wardrop, John Oliver, born at Lambeth, Surrey, 10

Oct. , 1864 ; is. Thomas Caldwell, gen. Balliol,

matric. 18 Oct., 88, aged 24 (from Cowper Street gr.

school, London), B.A. 91; Honours: — Taylorian

exhibition, Spanish 88, French 89, and Italian 90,

1 history 91. Ware, Hugh Robert Webb, born at Heidelberg,

Australia, 1865 ; 4s. Thomas, arm. St. John's,

matric. 11 Oct., 84, aged 19, B.A. 89.

"Ware, John Hubert, born at Ullingworth, co. Hereford, 1863 ; 5s. John Middleton, cler. Brasenose, matric. 19 Oct., 82, aged 19 (from Hereford school), scholar 82-6, B.A. 86, M.A. 90; Honours 1—3 classical mods. 84, 4 history 86.

Ware, Sedley Lynch, born at Jackson, Mississippi, U.S.A., 15 Nov., 1868; o.s. William, southern planter. Non-Collegiate, matric. 15 Oct., 92, aged 23, from coll. of St. Barbe, Paris, ll.b. uni- versity of France.

"Ware, Walter Patrick Webb-, born at Melbourne 1871 ; 6s. Thomas, gent. St. John's, matric. 12 Oct., 89, aged 18 (from St. Edward's school, Summertown), B.A. 92.

Wareing, Thomas, born at Southport, co. Lane, 1862 ; o.s. Thomas, gent. Christ Church, matric. 14 Oct., 81, aged 19 (from Rossall school), exhi- bitioner 81-5, B.A. 85 ; Honours :— 2 classical mods. 83, 3 theology 85.