655 Wilkinson.
Williams. 656
Wilkinson, rev. John Herbert, born at Burley, Leeds,
30 April, 1862 ; 3s. James Henshall, gent. Queen's,
matric. 4 June, 81, aged 19 (from Leeds school),
exhibitioner 80, B.A. 85, M.A. 88 (Honours :— i
classical mods. 83, 1 classics 85) ; curate of Rich-
mond, Surrey, 89.
Wilkinson, rev. John Richard, born at Liskeard, Cornwall, 24 Feb., 1865; is. John, cler. Wor- cester, matric. 14 June, 84, aged iq (from Newcastle-on-Tyne gr. school), scholar 83, B.A. 87, M.A. 93 (Honours : — 1 mathematical mods. 85, proxime accessit junior mathematical exhibition 86,
1 mathematics 87, 3 classics 89) ; curate of South Hackney, London, 91.
Wilkinson, Lancelot Campbell, born at Ruyton- Eleven-Towns, Salop, 14 Aug. , 1863; 3s. Frederick, cler. Merton, matric. 17 Oct. , 82, aged 19 (from St. Edward's school, Summertown), B.A. 86, M.A. 90 ; Honours : — 3 history 86.
Wilkinson, Leonard Rodwell, born at Highgate, near London, 1869; 2s. Josiah. Christ
Church, matric. 14 Oct., 87, aged 18 (from the Charterhouse), exhibitioner 87, B.A. 92 ; Honours : — 2 classical mods. 89, 3 classics 91.
Wilkinson, Robert Wigley, born at Shrewsbury, Salop, 1867 ;• is. Robert Josiah, gent.
Christ Church, matric. 15 Oct., 86, aged 19 (from Shrewsbury school), exhibitioner 85.
Wilkinson, Walter George, M.A., fellow Worcester 53-68, where see page 576.
Wilkinson, Wilfred Edward, born at Goldsborough, Yorks, June, 1869 ; 4s. Percival Spearman, arm. Kebi.e, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 19 (from Durham gr. school), B.A. 92.
Wilkinson, William, born at Everton, co. Lane, 29 Sept., 1859; is. William, gent. Non-Coi.i.e- GIATE, matric. 19 Jan., 85, aged 25, from West- minster training coll.
Wilkinson, William Edward, born at Ashton-in- Makerfield 3 March, 1858; 4s. John, master of Ashton national school. Queen's, matric. 25 Oct. , 80, aged 22, from a Margate school.
Willan, Ferdinand Howard Douglas, born at Dover Jan., 1866; o.s. Stanhope Leonard, arm. St. John's, matric. 1 May, 86, aged 20, B.A. 89.
Willert, Paul Ferdinand, M.A., fellow Exeter 67-87, where see page 124.
Willes, Edmund Henry Lacon, M.A., fellow Queen's 56-65, where see page 180.
Willett, Arthur Augustus Saltren, born at Monk- leigh, Devon, March, 1862 ; 2s. Charles, cler. Oriel, matric. 21 May, 80, aged 18 (from Eton), B.A. and M.A. 87; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 87.
Willett, Basil Wickham, born at Lakenham, Norfolk,
2 April, 1869 ; is. Louis Edward, arm. Magda- len, matric. 16 Oct. , 88, aged 19 (from Repton school), B.A. 93 ; Honours 1—3 history 92.
Willett, Cecil George Wilmer, born at Surbiton,
Surrey, 30 Jan., 1870; is. Lewis Wilmer, arm.
Brasenose, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 19, from
Malvern coll. Willett, Herbert Burrows, born in London
1870; is. Alfred, arm. University Coll. , matric.
13 Oct., 88, aged 18, B.A. 91 ; Honours :—
3 law 91.
Willett, John Abernethy, born in London 14 June,
1872; 2s. Alfred, f.r.c.s. University Coll. ,
matric. 11 Oct., 90, aged 18, from Westminster
school. Willey, Frederick, born at Rawdon, Yorks,
1870 ; 2s. Thomas, gen. Lincoln, matric. 20 Oct.,
90, aged 20, from Leeds gr. school. Williams, Albert, born at Lisbon 1865;
2s. Daniel, gen. New Coll., matric. 14 Jan., 90,
aged 25, B.Mus. 91,
Williams, rev. Alfred William Addams, born at
Panteg, co. Monmouth, 6 Jan., 1865; is. Alfred,
arm. Oriel, matric. 27 Oct., 83, aged 18 (from
Marlborough), B.A. 86, M.A. 90, student Inner
Temple 84 ; curate of Llangattock-Caerleon, co.
Mon., 90.
Williams, Archibald, born at Kingston Lisle, Berks,
14 July, 1871 ; 4s. Daniel Rowland, cler. Keble,
matric. 11 Oct., 90, aged 19 (from Christ's coll.,
Finchley) ; HONOURS : — 2 classical mods. 92.
Williams, Arthur Dyson, born at Neath, co. Glam-
organ, i860; 2S. Leonard Dyson, arm.
Corpus Christi, matric. 21 Oct., 80, aged 20,
B.A. 86, M.A. 87 (Honours: — 3 classical mods.
82), treasurer 83, and president of Oxford union
society 84 ; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 84.
Williams, Arthur Frederick Basil, born in London 4
April, 1867 ; o.s. Frederick George Adolphus, bar.-
at-law. New Coll. , matric. 15 Oct. , 86, aged 19
(from Marlborough), scholar 86, B.A. 91 ;
Honours : — 1 classical mods. 88, 2 classics 90.
Williams, Arthur Scott, born at Woolland, Dorset,
5 Sept. , 1864; 4s. Montagu, arm. New Coll.,
matric. 4 Dec, 82, aged 18 (from Harrow), B.A. 86,
M.A. 89 (Honours : — 3 history 86) ; brother of
Herbert S.
Williams, Arthur Theodore, born at Reigate, Surrey,
1866; 3s. Walter Davis, D.Med. Wad-
ham, matric. 19 Oct., 85, aged 19 (from East-
bourne coll.), B.A. 89, M.A. 92; Honours: — 4
classics 89.
Williams, Bernard Francis, born at Chislehurst,
Kent, Feb., 1868; 3s. Edward Pote, cler. Keble,
matric. 17 Oct., 87, aged 19, from Beccles gr.
Williams, Charles Francis Abdv, born at Dawlish,
Devon, 1856; o.s. Charles Abdy, arm.
Christ Church, matric. 18 Jan., 89, aged 33,
B.Mus. 89.
Williams, Claude, born at Bengeo, Herts, 11 Feb.,
1870; o.s. William Morgan, gen. Non-Colle-
GIATE, matric. 13 Oct., 88, aged 18 (from Lancing
coll.) ; migrated to Lincoln 25 Jan., 89, B.A. 92;
Honours : — 3 theology 92.
Williams, rev. David, born at Tymwydd, near
Lampeter, i860; 3s. John, gen. Non-Colle-
GIATE, matric. 28 Jan., 84, aged 24 (from Lam-
peter coll.), B.A. 90 (Honours : — 3 classical mods.
83, 3 theology 86) ; prof, of classics and mathe-
matics in Huron theol. coll., London, Ontario, 87,
curate of St. Paul's cathedral, Huron, 89.
Williams, David James, born at Caerphilly, near
Cardiff, 18 Feb., 1870; 7s. Thomas James, gen.
Worcester, matric. 14 Oct., 89, aged 19 (from
Llandovery coll.), scholar 88; Honours: — i
mathematical mods. 91.
Williams, David Thomas Clarke, born at Bridgend,
co. Giant., 2 Nov., 1871 ; is. Rees, cler. Jesus
Coll., matric. 15 Oct., 90, aged 17, from Brecon
coll. and Cowbridge gr. school.
Williams, Douglas Watkin Wynn, born at Christ-
church, N.z. , 1863; is. William Henry,
bar.-at-law. Exeter, matric. 28 Jan., 81, aged 18
(from Christchurch gr. school, N.z.) ; bar.-at-law,
Inner Temple, 86.
Williams, Edmund, born at Henllan, co. Denbigh,
1862 ; 2s. Edmund, gent. St. Mary
Hall, matric. 22 Jan., 83, aged 21, B.A. 87.
Williams, Edward Geoffry, born at Oswestry, Salop,
23 March, 1871 ; is. Edward, gen. Merton,
matric. 19 Oct., 89, aged 18, from Oswestry gr.
Williams, Ernest Wynne-, born at Llandrillo, co.
Monmouth, 1872; o.s. Thomas, cler.
Corpus Christi, matric. 16 Oct., 90, aged 18,
from Oswestry school.