Page:Pacific Northwest Americana - A Check List of Books and Pamphlets.pdf/16

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EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS The initials after each entry indicate the libraries in which the book or pamphlet may be found. F o r key, see the "Descriptive list of libraries." "Same" denotes the same author and title as last previously cited. For the sake of brevity, the collation and imprint items are not given for different editions of the same book, except to show variations. Size of books is indicated only for quartos and folios, as follows:' Q quarto, from 25 to 30 centimeters in height. F folio, over 30 centimeters in height. F4 from 35 to 40 centimeters in height. F5 from o.i.^zn. 40 to 50 centimeters in height, height. from 50 to 60 centimeters in height. T h e following signs and abbreviations have been used: denotes omissions. C 3 enclose material not on title page, supplied by cataloge C copyright date. comp. compiler. ed. editor, edition. facsim. facsimile. fold. folded. govt. government printing office. gr. of ports. group of portraits. illus. illustrated, illustrations. 1. leaf, leaves. n. d. no date. n. p. no place of publication given. n. pub. no publisher. n. t. p. no title page. plate, plates. Pi. port, ports. portrait, portraits. pub. publisher. tab. table, tables. unp. unpaged. v. volume, volumes. $plljl| v.d. various dates. v.p. various places.