Page:Pagan papers.djvu/166

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We listened with interest. The style, though unlike Harold's native notes, seemed strangely familiar.

'Go on,' said the curate grimly.

'Pausing in his stealthy career,' continued Harold, 'he gave a low whistle. Instantly the signal was responded to, and from the adjacent shadows two more figures glided forth. The miscreants were both armed to the teeth!'

'Excellent,' said the curate; 'proceed.'

'The robber chief,' pursued Harold, warming to his work, 'joined his nefarious comrades, and conversed with them in silent tones. His expression was truly ferocious, and I ought to have said that he was armed to the t——'

'There, never mind his teeth,' interrupted the curate rudely: 'there's too much jaw about you altogether. Hurry up and have done.'

'I was in a frightful funk,' continued the narrator, warily guarding his ear with his hand, 'but just then the drawing-room window opened, and you and Aunt Maria came out—I mean emerged. The burglars vanished silently into the laurels, with horrid implications!'

The curate looked slightly puzzled. The tale was well sustained, and certainly circumstantial. After all, the boy might have really