Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/276

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bone of a reindeer's foot. Among the works of art from the Collection de Vibraye are some very interesting forms of the bâton de commandement, notably two here reproduced from Cartailhac and Breuil's article on the subject (L'Anth., 1907). They are both ornamented with figures in semi-relief.

figure(s): 65

FIG. 65. Two views of the Head of a bridled Horse, from Saint-Michel d'Arudy. (After Piette, Z' ' Anthropologie, 1906.)


One (Fig. 66) has the top broken off through the perforation, but the body bears on its surface, on opposite sides, the tail of a fish, and between them two elliptical figures adorned with slanting lines. Below the fish tail there is a horse's head on each side, one looking upwards and the other downwards. The interesting feature of this ornamentation is that the fish