the cavern. The average breadth of these tableaux is 1.50 metres. When the reduced drawings were completed and extended on paper, we are told that they formed a band 12 metres in length and 10 to 12 centimetres in breadth. The lines delineating some of the figures are incised up to a maximum depth of 5 to 6 millimetres, and over them the stalagmitic film sometimes attains such a thickness as to completely mask the design. On the other hand, the incised lines are occasionally made more conspicuous by the addition of a thin band of black paint. The figures represent animals in various attitudes, and the designs both in technique and execution strongly remind one of the art of the reindeer-hunters of La Madeleine and other . stations of the later Palæolithic period.
FIG. 74. Sketch of a portion of the Wall of Combarelles, showing different animals. (About (1/40.) natural size.)
The total number of animals outlined, so far as they could be distinctly made out, is 109 :— animals entire but not identified,
FIG. 75. Engraving of a Horse with supposed Cover (1/16.).
19; equidæ, 23; bovidæ, 3; bison, 2; reindeer, 3; mammoth, 14 ; heads of goats, 3 ; heads of antelopes, 4 ; heads of various animals, chiefly horses, 36 ; human face, 1 (?) ; cup mark, 1. These engravings, of which Figs. 74 to 77 are specimens,