Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/429

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notwithstanding Dr Coppi's antiquated notions and methods, his books and investigations are of considerable scientific value, as his numerous matter-of-fact observations are strictly to be depended on and his illustrations are excellent.

The accompanying plan and section of the site of Gorzano (Fig. 155) will convey a general idea of the position of the terramara deposits with respect to their immediate

Distribution of Piles in Gorzano

Figure(s): 155

FIG. 155. Plan and Section of the Terramara of Gorzano. (After Coppi.)
A, section showing ecclesiastical buildings over the terramara deposits (c); B, plan of the site ;
C, a selected portion showing distribution of piles.

surroundings. They extended in length about 90 to 100 metres from north to south, and 70 metres in breadth, with an average thickness of 3.50 metres. The settlement was constructed on a natural elevation, rising about 9 metres above the surrounding plain, and 11 metres above the bed of the adjacent stream Tiepido. It was surrounded by a ditch and a dyke, and also contained the remains of a palafitte. The existence of piles is clearly proved by Dr Coppi himself, who shows their distribution on the plan,