Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/455

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Canis familiaris, S. (domestic dog).
var. Spalletti, Strob. Montecchio, Castione(P), Cogozzo (?), Casale Zaffanella.
" palustris, Rut. Common.
sub. var. matris optima. Gorzano, Montale, Montecchio, Demorta.
Lupus vulgaris (wolf). Castellaccio, Redu.
Meles vulgaris (badger). Montale.
Martes foina, L. (polecat). Gorzano.
Felis catus, L. (wild-cat). Gorzano (?), Montale (?).
Sus scrofa(ferus), L. (wild boar). Widely spread, but not common.
Sus palustris, Rüt. (domestic pig). Common.
Asinus africanus, Sans. (ass). Common.
Equus caballus (horse). Widely spread and not rare. The remains are of two races, one large and the other small.
Capreolus vulgaris (roe). Less common on the south side of the Po.
Cervus elaphus, L. (deer). Common.
Dama platyceros, Plinius (fallow-deer). Gorzano. Very rare.
Cervus tarandus (reindeer). Gorzano (Coppi).
Hircus cegagrus, L. palustris (goat). Widely spread and common.
Ovis aries, L. (sheep). Emilia, Mantua, Brescia.
var. palustris, Rut., capricornis, Can. Not rare.
" O. musimom. Castellaccio.
Bos primigenius, Boj., domesticus. Emilia, Mantua, and Brescia. Not common.
Bos brachyceros, Rüt. Very common as domestic cattle.
Lepus timidus (hare). Gorzano (Coppi).
Mus sylvaticus (wood-mouse). Castione.
Hystrix cristata, L. (porcupine). Portion of a quill of this animal was found in the socket of an arrow-head of bronze from Campeggine.
Castor fiber, L. (beaver). Castellaccio, Cogozzo.
Frugilegus segetem (raven). Gorzano (Coppi).
Gallus domesticus, L. (domestic fowl). S. Ambrogio, Gorzano, Bismantova,
Castellazzo di Fontanellato, Parma, Bozzoletto.
Ciconia alba, W. (stork). Montale.
Ardea cinerea, L. (heron). S. Ambrogio.
Anser segetum (wild-goose). S. Ambrogio, Poissioncella near Viadana.
Anas boschas, L. (duck). Montale, Parma, Cogozzo.
Emys europiza, Sch. (tortoise). Gorzano, Montale, S. Ambrogio (Boni),
Campeggine (Chierici), Casale Zaffanella (Parazzi).
Bufo (a species of toad).
Esox lucius, L. (pike). Parma, Casale Zaffanella (Parazzi).

As coming under the category of organic remains, I may add that a great variety of shells, both of living and fossil species, are found in the terramara deposits. Many of them are perforated, especially the more ornamental fossil varieties,