Branch Associations of the Bible Society, all Sunday School Unions within the Sunday School Institute, the Sunday School Union, and the Wesleyan Sunday School Institute, will please observe that by a special Resolution of the Committee they will henceforth be treated as subscribers and be allowed to purchase the books and maps (by application only to the Secretary) at reduced price.
The income of the Society, from September 18th, 1893, to December 20th, 1893, was—from annual subscriptions and donations, including Local Societies, £549 3s. 8d.; from all sources—£734 10s. 11d. The expenditure during the same period was £640 17s. 5d. On December 22nd the balance in the Bank was £343 16s. 4d.
Subscribers are requested to note that the following cases and casts can be had by application to the Assistant Secretary at the Office of the Fund:—
Cases for binding Herr Schumacher's "Jaulân," 1s. each.
Cases for binding the Quarterly Statement, in green or chocolate, 1s. each.
Cases for binding "Abila," "Pella," and "'Ajlûn" in one volume, 1s. each.
Casts of the Tablet with a Cuneiform Inscription found at Tell el Hesy, price 2s. 6d. each.
Casts of the Ancient Hebrew Weight brought by Dr. Chaplin from Samaria, price 2s. 6d. each.
Casts of an Inscribed Weight or Bead from Palestine, forwarded by Professor Wright, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., price 1s. each.
Photographs of Tell el Hesy, showing the excavations, price 1s. each.
Back numbers of the Quarterly Statement.—In order to make up complete sets, the Committee will be very glad to receive any of the following numbers:—
No. II, 1869; Nos. VI and VII, 1870; No. III, 1871; January and April, 1872; October, 1873; January, 1874; January and October, 1875; January, 1883, and January, 1886.
While desiring to give every publicity to proposed identifications and other theories advanced by officers of the Fund and contributors to the pages of the Quarterly Statement, the Committee wish it to be distinctly understood that by publishing them in the (Quarterly Statement they neither sanction nor adopt them.
Subscribers who do not receive the Quarterly Statement regularly are asked to send a note to the Secretary. Great care is taken to forward each number