endeavour to ascertain where the 32 steps discovered by Sir Charles Warren lead to; he has already traced the scarped rock and counterscarp for a considerable distance, and during these operations, coins. Mosaic pavement, Roman tiles, potsherds, &c., were found.
A detailed report (the first), with plan of the excavations, will be found in the current Quarterly Statement.
Whilst awaiting the arrival of the new Firman, Mr. Bliss made journeys to the north of Palestine and to the Plain of Jericho, and has furnished an account of the Castle of Fukhiedeen Ma'an, near Sidon, besides reports, with plans, of an ancient building, partly unearthed lately, called Kh. el Mefjir, and of the various mounds at Kh. Jiljulieh (Gilgal).
Although laid by for several weeks with severe illness, Herr Baurath von Schick has still been able to pursue his researches, and has sent in several contributions of great interest with reference to the Antiquities of Jerusalem; the Archæological Collection of Baron Ustinoff at Jaffa; &c.
The Rev. J. E. Hanauer has contributed observations on the Crusading Churches of St. Martin and St. John the Evangelist, at Jerusalem; on "Bether"; on a curious chamber cut in a fragment of rock in Wady Haluleh; and other matters.
On May the 8th, of this year, a lecture on "Future Researches in Palestine" was delivered by Major Conder, R.E., at the Westminster Town Hall, to a large and distinguished audience. H.R.H. the Duke of York presided, and spoke in high terms of the past achievements of the Fund, and warmly commended its objects as being worthy of everybody's assistance.
A series of lectures in connection with the Fund was again delivered in Jerusalem during the tourist season this year, and was much appreciated, the lecturers being the Rev. Canon Tristram, the Rev. A. H. Kelk, the Rev, J. Zeller, the Rev. J. E. Hanauer, and Dr. Bliss.
Mr. Philip J. Baldensperger has contributed a further and very valuable set of answers to the questions issued by the Fund on the Manners and Customs of the Peasants of Palestine.
Your Chairman, after completing the ten years tabulated records of meteorological observations recorded at Sarona, near Jaffa, began those taken at Jerusalem, for the greater part under the immediate supervision of Dr. Chaplin, during the last 32 years. It is interesting to note that the average annual rainfall at Jerusalem during the last 16 years has been no less than 5·94 inches greater than in the previous 16 years.
The publications of the year have been:—
(1) | "A Mound of Many Cities." Being a complete account of the excavations at Tell el Hesy. By Mr. Bliss. |
(2) | "The Tell Amarna Tablets." By Major Conder. A new and revised edition. |
(3) | "Judas Maccabæus." By the same author. A new edition. |