By Samuel Bergheim, Esq.—
"Land Tenure in Palestine."
By Charles Fox, M.R.C.S., F.S.S.—
"Circle and Serpent Antiquities."
By Professor Clermont-Ganneau—
"Ancient Weight found at Gaza "; "Inscription on the Monument of Red Stone with Reclining Figure."
By Oldfield Thomas—
"Remarks on a Metal Mouse from Baron Ustinoff s Collection."
By Dr. Murray—
"Note on Inscription found at Tabitha."
By the Rev. A. A. Isaacs, M.A.—
"The Site of Calvary."
By the Rev. W. F. Birch—
"Zion (or Acra), Gihon, and Millo."
Correspondence respecting the Hæmatite Weight brought by Dr. Chaplin from Samaria (a reprint from the "Academy").
Since the last Annual Meeting the following gentlemen have kindly consented to act as Honorary Local Secretaries:—
The Rev. | W. M. Teape, Stockton-on-Tees. |
„ | I. W. Johnson, M.A., Broseley. |
„ | J. C. Newton, Japan. |
„ | Thomas M. B. Patterson, Hamilton, N.B. |
Professor | James S. Riggs, Auburn, U.S.A. |
The Rev. | Jeremiah Zimmerman, Syracuse. |
Walter G. Webster, Esq., Providence. | |
The Rev. | Kingsford Harris, Wickford. |
„ | E. S. Little, Central China. |
Mrs. Elwes, Shadowbush, Madras Presidency. | |
The Rev. | H. T. Ottley, Kidderpore, Bengal Presidency. |
„ | E. Bull, E.I.R. Chaplain, Tundhi. |
Thomas Plunkett, Esq., M.R.I.A., Enniskillen. | |
W. J. Baxter, Esq., M.C.P.S.I., Coleraine. |
Your Committee have pleasure in again recording their best thanks to their Honorary Secretaries for services rendered so cheerfully without any remuneration whatever.
The number of new members who have become Annual Subscribers during the last twelve months is 259. The number who have been taken off through death and other causes is 137, leaving an increase of new members 122.