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Camp Elliott, 217.
Campbell, Captain, 93.
Canal Medal, 247.
Canal Record, the, 199.
Canal routes, 31.
Canal Statistics, 256.
Canal tolls, 242, 261.
Canal Zone, 148, 158, 165, 169,
204, 205, 208, 217, 218.
Canal Zone Public Schools, 199.
Cape Gracias a Dios, 43, 48.
Cape Honduras, 43, 44
Cape of Good Hope, 37.
Cape of Storms, 37.
Capitana, the, 41.
Careta, Indian chief, 57, 58.
Cartagena, City of, 50, 73, 94,
Caribbean, 137, 139, 231.
Caribbean, dredge, 168.
Carroll, James, 157.
Castilla del Oro, 48.
Cathedral, Panama, 164, 208, 213.
Cathedral, Old Panama, 84.
Cathedral Plaza, 164, 208, 217.
Cayuca, 27.
Cement, 177.
Central America, 148, 243.
Chain-gang, 205.
Chagres Fever, 165.
Chagres River, 5, 32, 71, 78, 83,
94, 98, 105, 159, 169, 187.
Charles II, 86.
Charles V, 32, 134.
Chauncey, Henry, 100.
China, 238.
Chinese coolies, 107, 204.
Chinese exclusion law, 204.
Chinese merchants, 144, 204.
Chiriqui Lagoon, 6, 43.
Chiriqui, Province of, 43, 243,
Chucunaque Indians, 27.
Chucunaque River, 5.
Churches, old, 212.
Church societies, 199.
Cimaroons, 73, 85.
Club houses, 200.
Cocoanuts, 17.
"Coast of the Ear," 43.
Coastwise trade, 242.

Cold storage, 108, 150, 196.
Colmenares, 56.
Colombian flag, 244.
Colombia, United States of, 115,
137, 138, 140.
Colon, City of, 9, 13, 106, 139,
143, 144, 148, 160, 169, 193, 237.
Colon Hospital, 121, 150, 199.
Columbus, Bartholomew, 37, 41,
Columbus, Christopher, 36 to 48,
Columbus, Ferdinand, 41, 43,
Commissary, 196.
Comogre, Indian chief, 58, 61.
Concrete, 178.
Congress, Colombian, 140, 143.
Congress, International Canal,
116, 118.
Congress, United States, 100,
140, 148.
Constitution of Colombia, 137.
Constitution of Panama, 148.
Constitution of the United States,
Contractors, under the French,
Contrelas brothers, 134.
Conquistadores, 8, 137.
Constantinople, captured, 37.
Cordilleras del Bando, 5.
Coronel, port of, 237.
Cortez, Hernando, conqueror of
Mexico, 34, 43, 133.
Cosa, Juan de la, 50.
Costa Rica, 4, 43, 243.
"Creeping Johnny," 122.
Cristobal, town of, 149, 169.
Crocodiles, 22.
Cruces, 71, 98.
Cuba, 36, 124, 150, 157, 159, 167.
Cucaracha Slide, 189.
Culebra, 108, 225, 235.
Culebra Cut, 114, 124, 150, 169,
187 to 190.
Culebra Penitentiary, 205.
Cullen, adventurer, 32.

Dabaiba, Golden Temple of, 58,