Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/162

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when he learns to handle it. The fourth when he learns to accept the abstract designs.

— WITCHES EXPLANATIONS: Taking consciousness of being a luminous being, an energy charge and that the world is also a conglomeration of energy charges; the man has a weak membrane that separates it from the other energy; that this membrane is composed of the "tonal island" and his world vision. That the membrane can be opened and join all other energy with his consciousness and then return to the island interior, of his membrane.

— INTERNAL FIRE: Is the lighting power or alignment of all Eagle emanations inside men cocoon.

— INTERNAL STRENGHT: Maintaining a sense of equanimity, indifference, calmness and looseness; be analytical and seek understanding: achieve "sobriety" in acts, thoughts and feelings.

— ROLLING FORCE: The Eagle emanations force responsible for distributing life and consciousness, and at the same time, removing them.

— VITAL FORCE: The inflexible solidarity of the innumerable individual consciousness, the mutual alliance of all the parts.

— CONSCIOUSNESS DEGREE: Pressure degree applied by the external emanations over the internal on the cocoon.

— WARRIOR: A Toltequity practitioner, immaculate hunter in search of power.

— BECOMING RESPONSIBLE: Becoming responsible for decisions made and being willing to die for each of them.

— COMMON MAN: Person who does not know his potential; person that only handles the first ring of power; who believes that can explain or change the unexplained and inflexible forces of the world; who hopes that humanity actions can explain and change these forces.

— LUMINOUS EGG. The cocoon which contains a small portion of the Eagle emanations.

— IMPECCABILITY: Energy saving; doing things the best way.

— PERSONAL IMPORTANCE: The exalted idea we have of ourselves and on which we spend much energy; having the lace point in the usual place.

— INTENSITY: The witches ability to perceive "everything" in an instant and at once. From intensity a witch can turn a second into eternity. INTENT: Move the lace point consciously, guide the will, intentionally guide the alignment energy.

— INFLEXIBLE INTENT: act that has to be made deliberately and which must be accurate and continuous. A determination, a clearly defined purpose force, which may not be cancelled by desires or conflicting interests.

— STRATEGIC INVENTORY: List of activities and interests; behavioral patterns that are not essential for the survival and well-being, but that are energy-intensive.

— TONAL ISLAND: the world vision of the apprentice, the reasonable part, everything we are and do in the everyday world, of "reality".

— LIFTING FROM LAND: Awareness of Earth; with its help can align other big Eagle emanation bands.

— WARRIOR FREEDOM: his impeccability.