Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/65

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having a human form does not mean being wise, but being able to stop a moment before taking action.

"He always stressed that detachment did not mean automatic wisdom, but nevertheless was an advantage, since allowed the warrior to stop momentarily and reconsider situations and again evaluate possibilities. However, in order to consistently and correctly use that extra time, don Juan said that the warrior had to incorruptibly fight during an entire life...

—A warrior is someone looking for freedom —whispered in my ear—. Sadness is not freedom. We have to take it away from us. Have a detachment sense, as don Juan said, implies having a momentary pause to reconsider situations..." C.C.


Against what might be thought, don Juan teachings can be practiced in the everyday world. Of course, in addition to decision and courage, requires an immense self-discipline capacity and doing things without expecting any reward.

Castaneda was working many years with exercises or tasks that seemingly made no sense or a practical result. It is interesting that who has had the opportunity to live with Indians and peasants will find in their way of life and behavior many similarities with the techniques that Castaneda learnt. Farmers and indigenous peoples have developed a "culture of resistance" before the attack of Creole predators and abusive mestizos. The strength of their resistance has to do with practices that Don Juan suggests Castaneda learns to become a warrior. The difference is that as indigenous people and peasants say, they "are not people of reason", they do so as part of an ancient cultural heritage.

For reverie, Don Juan taught Castaneda three techniques: breaking life routines, power walk and not doing, which directly applied on the vigil of our daily lives, but its benefits were felt when the apprentice dreamt.

Don Juan repeatedly said, that there can be no progress in the nagual that is not supported by great effort and work in the tonal world.

Reverie, as we shall see in the later books, is one of the Toltequity fundamental pillars, but it is sustained on the work and domain of the everyday world. Reverie, which is not the same as simply dreaming, involves certain dream domain or control. It is an ancient practice, not only Toltec, but of almost all ancient peoples of the world; via different ways these peoples have obtained knowledge from the world of dreams.

On page 245 of the aforementioned Lopez Austin book we read: "With regard to the human body abandonment during sleep, obviously conceived dreaming as reality perception in remote sites from the place occupied by the sleeping body. In antiquity, as in current indigenous communities, it was thought possible to talk with divine beings during sleep, and dreamy visions were sources continually sought to learn about the occult; many things were done or not done because of dreams, where many 'watched', and of which they had books with what they meant, by images or figures, said Fray Bartolomé de las Casas. Unfortunately, the zealous missionaries saw dream interpretation as something