Page:Paracelsus (IA b29299731).pdf/29

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Nourish'd, and has at length matured, a plan
To give yourself up wholly to one end.
I will not speak of Einsiedeln; 'twas as
I had been born your elder by some years
Only to watch you fully from the first:
In all beside, our mutual tasks were fix'd
Even then—'twas mine to have you in my view
As you had your own soul: accordingly
I could go further back, and trace each bough
Of this wide-branching tree even to its birth;
Each full-grown passion to its outspring faint;
But I shall only dwell upon the intents
Which fill'd you when, to crown your dearest wish,
With a tumultuous heart, yon left with me
Our childhoods' home to join the favour'd few
Whom famed Trithemius condescends to teach
A portion of his lore—and not the dullest
Of those so favour'd, whom you now despise,
Was earnest as you were; resolved, like you,
To grasp all, and retain all, and deserve
By patient toil a wide renown like his.
Now, just as well have I descried the growth