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Page:Paradise Lost (1667).djvu/104

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Book 3.
Paradiſe loſt.

Not all parts like, but all alike informd
Which radiant light, as wing Iron with fire;
If mettal, part ſeemd Gold, part Silver cleer;
If ſtone, Carbuncle moſt or Chryfolite,
Rubie or Topaz, to the Twelve that ſhon
In Aarons Breſt-plate, and a ſtone beſides
Imagind rather oft then elſewhere ſeen,
610That ſtone, or like to that which here below
Philoſophers in vain ſo long have fought,
In vain, though by thir powerful Art they binde
Volatil Hermes, and call up unbound
In various ſhapes old Proteus from the Sea,
Draind through a Limbec to his Native forme.
What wonder then if fields and regions here
Breathe forth Elixir pure, and Rivers run
Potable Gold, when with one vertuous touch
Th' Arch-chimic Sun ſo farr from us remote
620Produces with Terreſtrial Humor mixt
Here in the dark ſo many precious things
Of colour glorious and effect ſo rare?
Here matter new to gaze the Devil met
Undazl'd, farr and wide his eye commands,
For fight no obſtacle found here, nor ſhade,
But all Sun-ſhine, as when his Beams at Noon
Culminate from th' Æquator, as they now
Shot upward ſtill direct, whence no way round
Shadow from body opaque can fall, and the Aire,
630No where ſo cleer, ſharp'nd his viſual ray
To objects diſtant farr, whereby he ſoon
Saw within kenn a glorious Angel ſtand,
The ſame whom John ſaw alſo in the Sun:
His back was turnd, but not his brightneſs hid;