By ſin to foul exorbitant deſires;
Upheld by me, yet once more he ſhall ſtand
On even ground againſt his mortal foe,
180By me upheld, that he may know how frail
His fall'n condition is, and to me ow
All his deliv'rance, and to none but me.
Some I have choſen of peculiar grace
Elect above the reſt; ſo is my will:
The reſt ſhall hear me call, and oft be warnd
Thir ſinful ſtate, and to appeaſe betimes
Th' incenſed Deitie, while offerd grace
Invites; for I will clear their ſenſes dark,
What may ſuffice, and ſoft'n ſtonie hearts
190To pray, repent, and bring obedience due.
To prayer, repentance, and obedience due,
Though but endevord with ſincere intent,
Mine eare shall not be ſlow, mine eye not ſhut.
And I will place within them as a guide
My Umpire Conſcience, whom if they will hear,
Light after light well us’d they ſhall attain,
And to the end perſiſting, ſafe arrive.
This my long ſufferance and my day of grace
They who neglect and scorn, ſhall never taſte;
200But hard be hard’nd, blind be blinded more,
That they may ſtumble on, and deeper fall;
And none but ſuch from mercy I exclude.
But yet all is not done; Man diſobeying,
Diſloyal breaks his feältie, and ſins
Againſt the high Supremacie of Heav’n,
Affecting God-head, and ſo looſing all,
To expiate his Treason hath naught left,
But to destruction ſacred and devote,
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Paradiſe loſt.
Book 3.