Well pleas'd, on me let Death wreck all his rage;
Under his gloomy power I shall not long
Lie vanquiſht; thou haſt givn me to poſſeſs
Life in my ſelf for ever, by thee I live,
Though now to Death I yeild, and am his due
All that of me can die, yet that debt paid,
Thou wilt not leave me in the loathſom grave
His prey, nor ſuffer my unſpotted Soule
For ever with corruption there to dwell;
250But I ſhall riſe Victorious, and ſubdue
My Vanquiſher, ſpoild of his vanted ſpoile;
Death his deaths wound ſhall then receive, & ſtoop
Inglorious, of his mortall ſting diſarm'd.
I through the ample Air in Triumph high
Shall lead Hell Captive maugre Hell, and ſhow
The powers of darkneſs bound. Thou at the ſight
Pleas'd, out of Heaven ſhalt look down and ſmile,
While by thee rais'd I ruin all my Foes,
Death laſt, and with his Carcaſs glut the Grave:
260Then with the multitude of my redeemd
Shall enter Heaven long abſent, and returne,
Father, to ſee thy face, wherein no cloud
Of anger ſhall remain, but peace aſſur'd,
And reconcilement; wrauth ſhall be no more
Thenceforth, but in thy preſence Joy entire.
His words here ended, but his meek aſpect
Silent yet ſpake, and breath'd immortal love
To mortal men, above which only ſhon
Filial obedience: as a ſacrifice
270Glad to be offer'd, he attends the will
Of his great Father. Admiration ſeis'd
All Heav’n, what this might mean, & whither tend
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Paradiſe loſt.
Book 3.