Because thou hast, though Thron'd in higheſt bliſs
Equal to God, and equally enjoying
God-like fruition, quitted all to ſave
A World from utter loſs, and haſt been found
By Merit more then Birthright Son of God,
310Found worthieſt to be ſo by being Good,
Farr more than Great or High; becauſe in thee
Love hath abounded more than Glory abounds,
Therefore thy Humiliation ſhall exalt
With thee thy Manhood alſo to this Throne;
Here ſhalt thou ſit incarnate, here ſhalt Reigne
Both God and Man, Son both of God and Man,
Anointed univerſal King; all Power
I give thee, reign for ever, and aſſume
Thy Merits; under thee as Head Supream
320Thrones, Princedoms, Powers, Dominions I reduce:
All knees to thee ſhall bow, of them that bide
In Heaven, or Earth, or under Earth in Hell;
When thou attended gloriouſly from Heav’n
Shalt in the Skie appeer, and from thee ſend
The ſummoning Arch-Angels to proclaime
Thy dread Tribunal: forthwith from all Windes
The living, and forthwith the cited dead
Of all paſt Ages to the general Doom
Shall haſt'n, ſuch a peal ſhall rouſe thir ſleep.
330Then all thy Saints aſſembl'd, thou ſhalt judge
Bad men and Angels, they arraignd ſhall ſink
Beneath thy Sentence; Hell, her numbers full,
Thenceforth shall be for ever ſhut. Mean while
The World ſhall burn, and from her aſhes ſpring
New Heav’n and Earth, wherein the juſt ſhall dwell
And after all thir tribulations long
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Paradiſe loſt.
Book 3.