The Names.
The Vertues.
Chap. VII.
Fritillaria. The checkerd Daffodill.
ALthough diuers learned men do by the name giuen vnto this delightfull plant, thinke it doth in ſome things partake with a Tulipa or Daffodill, and haue therefore placed it betweene them; yet I, finding it moſt like vnto a little Lilly, both in roote, ſtalke, leafe, flower, and ſeede, haue (as you ſee here) placed it next vnto the Lillies, and before them. Hereof there are many ſorts found out of late, as white, red, blacke, and yellow, beſides the purple, which was firft knowne ; and of each of them there are alſo diuers ſorts: and firſt of that which is moſt frequent, and then of the reſt, euery one in his place and order.
I. Frillaria vulgaris. The common checkerd Daffodill.
The ordinary checkerd Daffodill (as it is vſually called, but might more properly be called the ſmall checkerd Lilly) hath a ſmall round white roote, and ſomewhat flat, made as it were of two cloues, and diuided in a maner into two parts, yet ioyning together at the bottome or ſeate of the roote, which holdeth them both together: from betweene this cleft or diuiſion, the budde for the ſtalke &c. appeareth, which in time riſeth vp a foote, or a foote and a halfe high, being round and of a browniſh greene colour, eſpecially neere vnto the ground, whereon there ſtandeth diſperſedly foure or fiue narrow long and greene leaues, being a little hollow: at the toppe of the ſtalke, betweene the vpper leaues (which are ſmaller then the loweſt) the flower ſheweth it ſelfe, hanging or turning downe the head, but not turning vp againe any of his leaues, as ſome of the Lillies before deſcribed doe; (ſometimes this ſtalke beareth two flowers, and very ſeldome three) conſiſting of ſixe leaues, of a reddiſh purple colour, ſpotted diuerſly with great ſpots, appearing like vnto ſquare checkers, of a deeper colour; the inſide of the flower is of a brighter colour then the outſide, which hath ſome greenneſſe at the bottome of euery leafe: within the flower there appeare