Page:Parish v. Pitts, 244 Ark. 1239 (1968).pdf/19

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Parish v. Pitts

It is pointed out by the majority that cities and towns can obtain liability insurance—but I am not convinced that this is true in every instance. Not only that, but what would be the cost of such insurance? I cannot say—but I do know that the premiums for automobile coverage are constantly increasing; in fact, a recent increase on this type of coverage was granted which will average 17% over the state. I have no doubt but that similar increases will be sought for public liability coverage. It may well be that many cities and towns will not be able to afford adequate coverage, and I know of no way for this deficiency to be corrected, except by additional taxation. Here again, it may well be neeessary for the General Assembly to pass legislation affording proper authorization for the cities to act. But suppose the General Assembly does not act—where then, is the answer? The plight of the cities, though giving me concern, does not disturb me as much as the possible plight of small towns. The judgments awarded today by juries are far larger than those of past years, and, under some causes of action, the financial structure of a small town could be literally "wiped out" by one large judgment.

The needs of a city are many, and most police and fire departments are undermanned and underpaid; the demand for all types of services becomes greater each year, and I cannot bring myself to impose this additional burden.

I reiterate that this is a matter for the General Assembly. Perhaps, at the beginning, the court could have justifiably taken the step that is now being taken, but the fact that the rule of governmental immunity has been in effect in this state (and territory) for 150 years, strengthens my conviction that no change should be made, except through legislative action.

I respectfully dissent.

JOHN A. FOGLEMAN, Justice, dissenting. I subscribe