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Parish v. Pitts
  1. Cates v. Bloomington, 333 Ill. App. 189, 77 N. E. 2d 46 (1947).
  2. Explosion of butane gas stored in city's streets and alleys by a third party under a city permit. Splinter v. Nampa, 215 P. 2d 999 (Ida. 1950).
  3. Allowing fire in a city dump to spread to plaintiff's property. Osborn v. Whittier, 103 Cal. App. 2d 609, 230 P. 2d 132 (1951).
  4. Injury to child by flare placed in street to warn of recent road work under attractive nuisance doctrine. Gilligan v. Butte, 118 Mont. 350, 166 P. 2d 797 (1946).
  5. Injury to child in trying to light a warning lantern that had gone out. Collins v. Chicago, 321 Ill. App. 73, 52 N. E. 2d 473 (1943).
  6. Damage caused by operation of fire department vehicles. Miami v. McCorkle, 145 Fla. 109, 199 So. 575 (1940); Baltimore v. Fire Ins. Sallvage Corp., 219 Md. 75, 148 A. 2d 444; Cavagnaro v. Napa, 86 Cal. App. 2d 517, 195 P. 2d 25 (1948); Peerless Laundry Services v. Los Angeles, 109 Cal. App. 2d 703, 241 P. 2d 269 (1952).
  7. Damages from temporary obstructions in streets. Crow v. San Antonio, 157 Tex. 250, 301 S. W. 2nd 628 (1957); Rueter v. Versailles, 213 F. 2d 233 (CA Ill. 1954); Denver v. Austria, 136 Colo. 454, 318 P. 2d 1101 (1957).
  8. Negligent operation of parks and equipment. Kingsport v. Lase, 35 Tenn. App. 183, 243 S. W. 2d 289 (1951).
  9. Injuries from acts in construction or repair of sewers or drains. Galtuzzi v. Beverly, 309 Mass. 135, 34 N. E. 2d 492 (1941).