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1857—Sess. 2.


N.B.—THE Figures at the beginning of the line, correspond with theat the foot of each Paper; and the Figures at the end of the line, refer to the MS. Paging of the Volumes arranged for The House of Commons.

China: Her Majesty's Naval Forces at Canton:
[2206.] Further Papers relating to the Proceedings of Her Majesty's Naval Forces at Canton p. 1
[2223.] Further Papers relating to the Proceedings of Her Majesty's Naval Forces at Canton 39
[2276.] Further Papers relating to the Proceedings of Her Majesty's Naval Forces at Canton 65
Outrages on British Subjects in China:
[2220.] Correspondence between the Foreign Office and the Commercial Association of Manchester, relative to Outrages committed on British Subjects in China, in 1846, 1847 and 1848 71
Opium Trade in China:
[2221.] Papers relating to the Opium Trade in China, 1842–1846 (in continuation of Papers presented to Parliament in 1840) 83
Hong Kong: Charge of Poisoning:
155. Copies of, or Extracts from, any Papers connected with the Confinement of Chinese Prisoners at Hong Kong, and with the Trial of a Baker and others on the Charge of Poisoning 169
Hong Kong: Reconstruction of Legislative Council:
101. Copies or Extracts of Correspondence between Governor Sir John Bowring and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, relative to the Reconstruction of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Hong Kong, in the Years 1855 and 1856 207
Hong Kong: Defence of the Colony:
115. Copies or Extracts of any Correspondence with Sir John Bowring on the subject of his Application for a Vote from Parliament to defray the Expense of Measures of Precaution and Defence at Hong Kong, required by the state of Affairs in China 223
[2222]. Treaty between Her Majesty, the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of the French, the King of Prussia, the Emperor of Russia, and the Swiss Confederation, relative to Neuchatel; signed at Paris, 26 May 1857 321
Vol XLIII.—1837—Sess. 2.