Page:Pastorals Epistles Odes (1748).djvu/41

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Hark, how they warble in that brambly bush,
The gaudy goldfinch and the speckly thrush, 12
The linnet green, with others famed for skill,
And blackbird fluting through his yellow bill:
In sprightly concert how they all combine,
Us prompting in the various song to join: 16
Up, Argol, then, and to thy lip apply
Thy mellow pipe, or voice more sounding try:
And since our ewes have graz'd, what harm if they
Ly round and listen while the lambkins play? 20

Well, Myco, can thy dainty wit express
Fair nature's bounties in the fairest dress:
'Tis rapture all! the place, the birds, the sky;
And rapture works the finger's fancy high. 24
Sweet breathe the fields, and now a gentle breez
Moves every leaf, and trembles through the trees:
Ill such incitements suit my rugged lay,
Befitting more the Musick thou can'st play. 28

No skill of musick kon I, simple swain,
No fine device thine ear to entertain:
Albeit some deal I pipe, rude though it be,
Sufficient to divert my sheep and me; 32
