Yet have, with all my charms, no power to lay The sprite that breaks my quiet night and day? 108
HOBBINOL. O that, like Colin, I had skill in rhimes, To purchase credit with succeeding times!Sweet Colin Clout! who never, yet, had peer; Who sung through all the seasons of the year. 112
LANQUET. Let me, like Merlin, sing: his Voice had power To free the 'clipsing moon at midnight hour: And, as he sung, the fairies with their queen, In mantles blue, came tripping o'er the green. 116
HOBBINOL. Last eve of May did I not hear them sing, And see their dance? And I can shew the ring, Where, hand in hand, they shift their feet so light: The grass springs greener from their tread by night. 120
LANQUET. But hast thou seen their king, in rich array, Fam'd Oberon, with damask'd robe so gay, And gemmy crown, by moonshine sparkling far, And azure scepter, pointed with a star? 124