Page:Patie's wedding, or, All parties pleased (2).pdf/2

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AS Patie came up frae the glen,
drivin' his wedders before him,
He met bonny Meg ganging hame,
her beauty was like for to ſmore him.

O dinna ye ken, bonny Meg,
that you and I's ga'en to be marry'd
I rather had broken my leg
before ſic a bargain miſcarry'd.

Now Patie—O wha's tell’d you that?
I think that of news they've been ſcanty
That I ſhall be marry'd ſae ſoon,
or yet ſhould ha'e been ſae ſlantly.

I winna be marry'd the year,
ſuppoſe I were courted by twenty;
Sae Patie, ye need nae mair ſpeer,
for weel I wat I dinna want ye.

Now Maggy, what maks you ſae ſweer
is't 'cauſe that I hinna a maillen?
The lad that has plenty o’ gear
need ne'er a ha'f or a hail ane.

My dad has a good grey mare,
and your's has twa cows and a filly,
And that will be plenty o' gear,
fae Maggy be no ſae ill willy.