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Page:Patronymica Cornu-Britannica.djvu/116

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QUAINTANCE. A corruption of Quintin's.

QUANCE. Qu. from coth-nance, the old valley. This name would also corrupt from Quaintance.

QUARM, QUARME, QUARAM. Walter Quarme, clerk, dwelt at Nancar. These names are probably corrupted from Warn, Warne, q. v.

QUARMAN. Lower renders this name "quarryman." But qu. from car-man, the rocky or rock place (W. man, a place).

QUETHIOCK. From Quethiock parish in East hundred. "Mr. Lysons says the anc. name was Cruetheke; it is commonly pronounced Quithik." (D. Gilbert.) The local name is also found written Quedyock. Pryce says Quithiock, Queth-yk, means "the weavers' place" (queth, cloth; quethy, to weave).

QUICK, QUICKE. From guîk, wick, a village. Quick is not an uncommon surname, and Geake is perhaps the same name.

QUITMAN. From quit-ban, -van, the high wood, or quit-mân, the stony wood. There is a place named Quitman in the Southern States of N. A.


RADDON, var. De RADDONA, De RADIONA, an ancient name. From radn, a division.

BADFORD. From reden-vordh, the fern way.