Page:Pearl of Asia (Child JT, 1892).pdf/359

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The Pearl of Asia.

being an adept in metallurgy plated them with silver, and put them in circulation. He was arrested, his property confiscated, and I was informed that he was still in jail, a prisoner, but demented. The Chinese have also put a large number of bogus coins in circulation. A couple of years since the Hong Kong and Shanghae bank commenced the issue of paper money and it grew rapidly in popular favor, as paper is so much easier carried than weighty silver, and it was no novel sight to see eight or ten coolies on their way to the banks or mercantile houses carrying large sacks of silver coin, and frequently boat-loads of ticals are seen on their way up the river to pay for teak and vice; and cart-loads, escorted by soldiers on their way from the interior, taxes to be paid into the royal treasury, frequently from ten to fifteen in the train, all heavily loaded, each drawn by a couple of bullocks.